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Wrong Way Signs with Flashers in Various Towns Statewide

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing that the start of construction to install Wrong Way Detection systems in various Towns statewide will begin on November 26, 2022.

The project involves the installation of Wrong Way Detection systems to reduce wrong way crashes on high-risk freeway exit ramps. A typical Wrong Way Detection System consists of a 360-degree camera deployed at the ramp intersection to detect vehicles traveling in the wrong direction and wrong-way signs with red circular LED lights, which are activated to flash when a wrong-way vehicle is detected. Almost all construction will occur above the ground, with the installation of additional 360-degree cameras at the intersections and corresponding revisions to the traffic signal controller.

DOT Project No. 170-3608 was awarded to Ferguson Electric Co., Inc. at a cost of $1,827,462.00 on October 12, 2022 and is scheduled to be completed November 11, 2023. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven.



There may be lane closures, Monday through Sunday at various times depending on the Location of the work.


Operating Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

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