Workers' Compensation Rights, Responsibilities, and Claims

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Communicating general information and specific claim reporting instruction to the workforce is essential if the claim is to be efficiently reported by the injured worker and facilitated by the supervisor.

Posting the Notice

C.G.S. Section 31-284(f) requires employers to post, in a conspicuous place, a notice of the availability of compensation, in type of not less than ten-point boldface. It is the requirement of each state agency to post the notice in their human resource "Right to Know" areas. To complete this statutory requirement see the Workers' Compensation Commission Notice to Employees.


The most fundamental piece of claim reporting is communicating the occurrence information to the agency WC office and the TPA. The injured worker and supervisor work together to complete the WC claim packet and reporting process.


Provided below are highlights from both the supervisor and employee communication brochures on WC claim reporting. These brochures are suitable for use throughout state government. The Employee Guide to Workers' Compensation Claim Reporting should be incorporated into all new employee orientation sessions and made available to the balance of the workforce.

Supervisors’ Guide to Workers’ Compensation Claim Reporting

This communication piece is for supervisors outlining their responsibilities for recording and facilitating an employee’s claim for WC benefits.

- Obtain emergency medical care if needed
- Complete claim packet
- Phone claim into TPA injury intake center / 1-800-828-2717
- Forward completed claim packet to agency WC office
- Take corrective action to remove exposure(s) that caused the injury

Prompt and accurate completion of the WC Claim Packet enables (a) the injured employee to pursue his/her claim and (b) the agency and TPA to obtain critical information associated with the reported claim.

Employee Guide to Workers’ Compensation Claim Reporting
This communication piece for the workforce is designed to outline general information regarding workers’ compensation, managed care and employee responsibilities associated with their claim. Sections include:

- Injury Notification
- Medical Treatment
- Return to Work Programs
- Health & Safety
- Workers’ Compensation Contact Information

Distributing this communication to the workforce is fundamental for the effective and consistent administration of any WC program.

