Reemployment Rights FAQs+
1. What are reemployment rights?+
Answer: There are several different types of reemployment rights. Each right is weighted differently meaning some candidates with reemployment rights will be given employment opportunities before other candidates. Some reemployment rights are given to candidates because of layoffs and other reemployment rights can be given to candidates because of factors other than layoff i.e. failing of the working test period, returning to classified service from unclassified service, or Article 39 situations.
Primary: Primary reemployment rights are rights to the bargaining unit class you are in at the time of layoff as well as comparable classes. Most primary reemployment rights are 3 years (reemployment rights are 5 years for NP-2 candidates). Reemployment Rights are by seniority. Refer to: CGS §5-241, Regulation § 5-241-1 and 5-241-2 in absence of applicable collective bargaining unit language.
Secondary: Secondary reemployment rights are rights to classes held outside of the bargaining unit the employee was laid off from and comparable classes. Most secondary reemployment rights last 3 years (reemployment rights are 5 years for NP-2 candidates). Secondary Reemployment rights are by seniority. Refer to: CGS §5-241, Regulation § 5-241-1 and 5-241-2 in absence of applicable collective bargaining unit language.
Return to classified from unclassified service (RUNC): Any bargaining unit employee who has held permanent status in the classified service who has accepted, been appointed, or promoted to an unclassified position has the right to request a return to classified service at any time before the end of the appointment. They will be given rights to any bargaining unit class or classified non-bargaining unit class in which they held permanent status in the past. Refer to: CGS § 5-236 (b) and Section 5-241-1 (1) in absence of applicable collective bargaining unit language.
Failed working test period (FWTP): Rights differ depending upon the individual situation of the employee failing his/her working test period and any applicable bargaining unit language. Any promotional appointee from within the agency who is dismissed from the position to which he or she was promoted during such working test period, or at the conclusion thereof, shall be restored to a position in the same class in which he or she had been employed prior to his or her promotion. Any other appointee who was employed in the classified service prior to his or her appointment and who is dismissed from the position to which he or she was appointed during such working test period or at the conclusion thereof, shall be restored to a vacancy in the same class, or a vacancy in a comparable class or a vacancy in any other position the employee is qualified to fill, in the agency in which he or she had been employed prior to his or her appointment, or shall have his or her name placed on a reemployment list. Failure of working test period reemployment rights are for 2 years in accordance with regulation Section 5-241-1 (1). Refer to: CGS §5-228 (e) and Section 5-241-1 (1) in absence of applicable collective bargaining agreement language.
Article 39 Rights (NP-2 only): Article 39, Section Five of the NP-2 collective bargaining agreement requires upon separation due to infirmities reemployment rights subject to the employees qualifications to perform the job and a 3-month working test period to determine if the employee can perform the job in a safe and efficient manner. The NP-2 employee must have been separated due to infirmities and upon agency notification to DAS receives reemployment rights to classes attained permanent status and comparable classes (not qualified to fill) for up to 5 years.
2. If an employee is laid off, what reemployment rights is s/he eligible to receive?+
Answer: The employee receives reemployment rights to the job class s/he was in when s/he was laid off as well as to job classes that are comparable to that job class. (If the employee has not completed the working test period and has not attained permanent status in the class s/he was laid off in, s/he does not receive reemployment rights to this class or to comparable classes.) The employee also receives reemployment rights to job classes that s/he held permanent status in prior to being laid off.
3. Who is eligible to receive reemployment rights?+
Answer: Bargaining unit employees laid off from the classified service as well as some bargaining unit employees laid off from the unclassified service. (Employees in the Judicial and Legislative branches and many employees in the University/College system in unclassified positions do not receive reemployment rights.) Section 5-241 of the Connecticut General Statutes governs reemployment rights for non-bargaining unit employees laid off from state service. This statute limits reemployment rights to those employees laid off from classified positions. Some employees laid off from the unclassified service may be able to receive limited reemployment rights in accordance with Section 5-236(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes if they held permanent status in the classified service prior to moving to the unclassified service.
4. If an employee is in his/her initial working test period when s/he is laid off, does s/he receive reemployment rights?+
Answer: No. Individuals must have attained permanent status in a class in order to receive reemployment rights to that class.
5. If an employee is demoted in lieu of layoff, what reemployment rights is s/he eligible to receive?+
Answer: The employee receives reemployment rights to the job class s/he was in when s/he was laid off as well as to job classes that are comparable to the job class that are in salary groups above the job class to which s/he was demoted. (If the employee has not completed the working test period and has not attained permanent status in the class s/he was laid off in, s/he does not receive rights to these classes.) The employee also receives reemployment rights to job classes that s/he held permanent status in prior to being laid off that are in salary groups above the job class to which s/he was demoted.
6. Is there a difference between primary and secondary reemployment rights?+
Answer: Yes. An employee receives primary reemployment rights to classes in the same bargaining unit from which s/he was laid off. An employee receives secondary reemployment rights to classes that s/he held status in outside of the bargaining unit from which s/he was laid off. Agencies must hire from primary reemployment lists before they can hire from secondary reemployment lists.
7. How long do reemployment rights last?+
When an employee is laid off from state service, reemployment rights last for a period of 3 years from the date of layoff. (For employees in the NP-2 bargaining unit, reemployment rights last for 5 years from the date of layoff.) Reemployment rights may be disabled prior to this time, if the employee is hired back into a position at the same or comparable salary level as when s/he was laid off. (In this case, the employee has no further reemployment rights.)
8. Are reemployment lists arranged by seniority?+
Yes. (Please refer to bargaining unit contracts for information regarding reemployment seniority.)
9. Who determines reemployment rights?+
Answer: The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) determines reemployment rights in accordance with statutes, regulations and bargaining unit contracts.
10. How can an employee who has been laid off or has mandatory rights due to another employment action find out what job classes s/he has reemployment rights to?+
Answer: Log onto the State of Connecticut, Online Employment Center
Select the ‘My Applications’ link (in the gray box at the top of the page)
Enter your JobAps User ID and Password and click Retrieve Application (your personal status board will launch)
Scroll down to the header ‘Submitted and Unfinished Applications’
Under the Job Title/Bulletin Number (1st column), locate any Job Number starting with MAND (mandatory rights). The naming convention will be: MAND-job class code-F
Under the Status/Disposition (4th column), select the link titled View Approved Rights where you can see the specific right you have to that job class title. If your rights have been denied, expired or made inactive, the Status/Disposition column will be Inactive Eligible for Referral.
Note: Do not click Withdraw unless you wish to inactivate your rights. -
11. Are there copies of reemployment lists available so I can see where I am on the list?+
No. Reemployment rights are viewable through the State of Connecticut Applicant Tracking System called JobAps, Freenames module. Certified lists are generated by Human Resources Professionals based on the specifics of the position being filled. When a vacant position is available, the hiring agency enters the title, job code, location of the position as well as the work schedule (full-time or part-time, number of hours, shift, permanent or temporary/durational) into JobAps. The specifics about the position are matched with the choices individuals made about the location and work schedules of positions they will accept and an electronic reemployment list for the position is generated. It is possible for an individual to be first on the reemployment list for one position in a job class, fifth for another position in that job class, and not appear on the reemployment list for another position in that job class. Again, placement on the reemployment lists depends on seniority, the specifics of the position (regarding work location and schedule) and the choices of the employee (regarding work location and schedule).
12. How will an individual who has reemployment rights find out about jobs?+
Most communication will occur via email. Please be sure to keep your contact information updated and check your email and spam folders often. The hiring agency may also contact by phone or mail. In cases where there are a large number of vacancies being filled, formal job fair events may be held to bring hiring agencies and individuals with reemployment rights together. It is very important to have your contact information up-to-date, as this information will be used to notify you of job opportunities. It is also recommended to check your JobAps Personal Status Board frequently.
13. How do I update my contact information?+
- In your browser type:
- Click on the My Applications link found at the top of the page
- Click the Update My Contact Information link found beneath ‘I Forgot My Password’ link
- Enter your User ID and Password
- Review and update your contact information:
- Primary Telephone Number
- Alternate Telephone Number
- Email Address
- Street Address
- City
- Zip Code
14. What happens if an individual accepts a job to which s/he has reemployment rights?+
Answer: The employee’s reemployment rights (and SEBAC rights, if active) to classes at and below the salary level of the job s/he accepts are disabled (no longer active). If an employee accepts a position at the same or comparable salary level that s/he was laid off from, all reemployment and SEBAC rights may be disabled.
15. Does an employee have to serve a working test period in a job class to which s/he has active reemployment rights?+
Answer: No.
16. If an individual is offered a job under his/her reemployment rights, does s/he have to take an employment examination?+
No, an employment examination is not required.
17. If an individual accepts a durational or temporary position, does s/he forfeit his/her reemployment rights?+
18. If an employee is bumped and accepts a position in the same class as s/he was in at the time of layoff, does s/he receive reemployment rights?+
No, not generally. (Check the appropriate bargaining unit contract for any exceptions.)
19. If I have reemployment rights to a job class, will I be contacted for all positions in that class?+
Answer: No, not necessarily. The information you provided on your Freenames Master Application with regard to location and work schedule choices (i.e., shift, part/full-time, durational/permanent) will be used as the basis for providing reemployment lists to the agencies. For example, if the vacant position is in New Haven and you did not choose New Haven on your application, your name would not be certified to the agency for that position.
20. What happens if an individual is contacted for a job under reemployment and s/he does not respond to the notice or waives the job offer?+
For some bargaining units the employee is moved to the bottom of the list after 3 waivers or no replies. In other bargaining units, the employee’s reemployment rights are disabled. (Check the appropriate bargaining unit contract for rules regarding waivers.) It is important that each employee reviews the job classes s/he has rights to as well as the location preferences and work schedule information s/he indicated on the Freenames Master Application to make certain this reflects positions that s/he will accept. Changes can be made to these selections by accessing your JobAps account.
21. How does an agency know where in the state you will accept jobs?+
The location preference information you entered on your Freenames Master Application is used to provide agencies with lists of employees that match the location of the job.
22. How does an agency know if I will accept a part-time or full-time, permanent, or durational/temporary position?+
The work schedule information you entered on your Freenames Master Application is used to provide agencies with lists of employees that match the work schedule of the job.
23. Can an individual change the location, work schedule and employment preferences that s/he originally made?+
Yes. Email with the following information:
- Your name
- Your employee ID#:
- Job Title(s):
- Job Code(s):
- Location Preference changes:
- Shift or Work Schedule Preference changes:
- Employment Preference changes:
Make certain your work schedule choices reflect jobs that you will accept.
DAS will make the changes in JobAps for you.
24. What salary would an individual receive if reemployed under his/her reemployment rights?+
Answer: An employee appointed from a reemployment list to a position in his/her former salary group will be appointed at the same step in such group as s/he held at the time of layoff. An employee appointed to a position in a lower salary group will be appointed at the same step in that salary group as s/he held at the time of layoff. (Check the appropriate bargaining unit contract for any exceptions.)
25. If an employee retires in lieu of layoff, does s/he receive reemployment rights?+
Answer: If the employee elects to take an early retirement in lieu of layoff, s/he is eligible to receive reemployment rights.
26. If I am laid off from state service will I receive a payout for my accrued vacation, sick and personal leave time?+
Answer: You will receive payment for your accrued vacation time only. If you return to state service in the same calendar year the layoff occurs, your unused personal leave time will be reinstated. If you return to state service prior to the expiration of your reemployment rights, your unused sick leave time will be reinstated. (Reemployment rights are usually for three years but may be longer, depending on an employee’s labor unit. For example, the NP-2 collective bargaining agreement specifies five years.)
1. What are reemployment rights?+
SEBAC Rights FAQs+
1. If an employee is laid off, what SEBAC rights is s/he eligible to receive?+
The employee is eligible to receive SEBAC rights to job classes s/he has held and job classes deemed comparable to these classes, assuming s/he still meets the minimum entry requirements for these classes. The employee also is eligible to receive SEBAC rights to most job classes for which s/he meets the minimum entry requirements. Employees laid off from a position in a bargaining unit do not receive SEBAC rights to managerial or confidential classes/positions. Employees laid off from a position outside of a bargaining unit do not receive SEBAC rights to jobs at a higher salary group than the class held at the time of layoff.
2. Who determines SEBAC rights?+
Answer: The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) determines SEBAC rights.
3. How are SEBAC rights determined?+
SEBAC rights are determined by the Department of Administrative Services. DAS reviews an employee’s work history with the state and information provided on the employee’s Freenames Master Application and resume (optional) included with his/her CT HR 1 form. (Both state and non-state work experience, documented volunteer experience, formal education, and current licenses and certifications are considered when reviewing an employee’s qualifications.) An employee must meet the minimum experience and training requirements, as detailed on the job specification, in order to receive SEBAC rights to that job class. The Department of Administrative Services makes the final determination of classes you are qualified to fill.
If eligible, you will receive an email notification from DAS SHRM with an attachment (CT-HR-1a form) and instructions for requesting rights to additional classes you are qualified to fill. Please be diligent in checking your email and updating your contact information. Most correspondence will occur via email.
4. Is it possible to have Reemployment and SEBAC rights to some of the same job classes?+
Answer: Yes. Refer to the question and answer above as well as to the first question and answer under the section entitled Frequently Asked Questions about Reemployment Rights.
5. Is it possible for an employee to receive SEBAC rights to job classes above the level s/he was in at the time of layoff?+
Answer: Yes, if the employee was laid off from a bargaining unit class. No, if the employee was laid off from a non-represented job class.
6. Can an employee receive SEBAC rights to job classes outside of the bargaining unit s/he was laid off from?+
Answer: Yes. However, employees laid off from a bargaining unit cannot receive SEBAC rights to managerial, confidential or non-bargaining unit positions.
7. Who is eligible to receive SEBAC rights?+
- An employee who has exhausted his/her transfer and bumping rights or who is a permanent State employee who has no transfer or bumping rights under the applicable collective bargaining agreement, and therefore will be terminated as the result of a layoff or nonrenewal.
- Laid off employees in trainee classes or in working test periods in covered bargaining units, provided they have completed six (6) months of service in their current position(s) or have otherwise achieved permanent status. In addition, an employee may elect to participate in the placement and training process in lieu of exercising his/her transfer and/or bumping rights under the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
- Employees laid off from a managerial or confidential position who have permanent status in the classified service.
8. If an employee is demoted in lieu of layoff, what SEBAC rights is s/he eligible to receive?+
Answer: The employee receives SEBAC rights to the job classes s/he qualifies for above the salary group to which s/he was demoted.
9. Are all SEBAC rights the same?+
No. When filling vacancies, agencies generally see two types of SEBAC lists:
- SEBAC rights to classes from within the same bargaining unit from which the individual was laid-off and the individual is qualified to fill.
- SEBAC rights to classes outside of the bargaining unit from which the individual was laid-off and the individual is qualified to fill
Agencies must consider individuals from the first list before they can move to the second list.
10. How long do SEBAC rights last?+
Answer: SEBAC rights are activated for a maximum of three years, although they may be made to inactive sooner. Additionally, individuals may be removed from the SEBAC list before the three years under certain conditions. Please read the information below for a further explanation.
A. Accepting other jobs in lieu of or following a layoff:
Employees, who are employed at the time of layoff in a full-time capacity, will not be removed from SEBAC list (s) for a period of up to three (3) years for accepting a part-time, durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid full-time position. At the end of the three (3) year period, any such employee who has not been reemployed in a full-time permanent position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list(s) if they accept full-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment right or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If a SEBAC candidate accepts a lesser position, they will remain in SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
Employees, who are employed at the time of layoff in a part-time capacity, will not be removed from a SEBAC list (a) for a period of up to three (3) years for accepting a durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid position including a position with fewer hours per week. At the end of the three (3) year period, any such employee who has not been reemployed in a permanent part-time position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list (s) if they accept full or part-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment rights or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If such an employee accepts a lesser position, they will remain on SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
B. Waiving positions:
If an employee waives a total of three (3) suitable position offers from any State agency (ies) for any classification, the employee will be placed in an inactive status for all SEBAC position opportunities. Notification will be provided to the employee and their union if they are to be placed in an inactive status. An employee will be removed from the inactive status upon reapplication to DAS accompanied by a written indication of willingness to accept employment, if offered. A reapplication will be reviewed by the DAS for position qualifications and position interests. (IMPORTANT NOTE: A waiver is counted when an employee turns down an opportunity for employment or does not reply to an offer of employment.)
C. SEBAC rights are removed if an employee resigns or retires from state service.
11. Are SEBAC lists arranged by seniority?+
Answer: No.
12. What positions do SEBAC rights apply to?+
Positions in the classified service which are within the Commissioner of Administrative Services’ jurisdiction, as well as positions in the unclassified service in the Department of Children and Family Services, Commission on Culture and Tourism, Connecticut Marketing Authority, Department of Correction, Board of Education and Services for the Blind, State Library, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Department of Social Services, Labor Department, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, and the Department of Developmental Services.
13. How can an employee who has been laid off find out what job classes he has SEBAC rights to?+
- Log onto the State of Connecticut, Online Employment Center
- Select the ‘My Applications’ link (in the gray box at the top of the page)
- Enter your JobAps User ID and Password and click Retrieve Application (your personal status board will launch)
- Scroll down to the header ‘Submitted and Unfinished Applications’
- Under the Job Title/Bulletin Number (1st column), locate any Job Number starting with MAND (mandatory rights). The naming convention will be: MAND-job class code-F
- Under the Status/Disposition (4th column), select the link titled View Approved Rights where you can see the specific right you have to that job class title. If your rights have been denied, expired or made inactive, the Status/Disposition column will be Inactive Eligible for Referral.
- Note: Do not click Withdraw unless you wish to inactivate your rights.
14. How will an individual who has SEBAC rights find out about jobs?+
Answer: Most communication will occur via email. Please be sure to keep your contact information updated and check your email and spam folders often. The hiring agency may also contact by phone or mail. In cases where there are a large number of vacancies being filled, formal job fair events may be held to bring hiring agencies and individuals with reemployment and/or SEBAC rights together. It is very important to have your contact information up-to-date, as this information will be used to notify you of job opportunities. It is also recommended to check your JobAps Personal Status Board frequently.
15. What happens if an individual accepts a job to which s/he has SEBAC rights?+
The employee’s SEBAC (and reemployment) rights to classes at or below the salary level of the job s/he accepts are disabled (no longer active). If the employee accepts a position at the same or comparable salary level that s/he was laid off from, all SEBAC and reemployment rights are disabled. (In this case the employee has no further reemployment and/or SEBAC rights.) Please read the information below for a further explanation regarding accepting other jobs in lieu of or following a layoff:
Employees, who are employed at the time of layoff in a full-time capacity, will not be removed from SEBAC list (s) for a period of up to three (3) years for accepting a part-time, durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid full-time position. At the end of the three (3) year period, any such employee who has not been reemployed in a full-time permanent position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list(s) if they accept full-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment right or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If a SEBAC candidate accepts a lesser position, they will remain in SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
Employees, who are employed at the time of layoff in a part-time capacity, will not be removed from a SEBAC list (a) for a period of up to three (3) years for accepting a durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid position including a position with fewer hours per week. At the end of the three (3) year period, any such employee who has not been reemployed in a permanent part-time position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list (s) if they accept full or part-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment rights or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If such an employee accepts a lesser position, they will remain on SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
16. Does an employee have to serve a working test period in a job class s/he has active SEBAC rights to?+
Answer: In most cases, an employee is required to successfully complete a working test period.
17. What happens if an individual who was employed at the time of layoff in a full-time job, accepts a part-time, durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or lesser paid full-time position? +
SEBAC employees who are employed at the time of layoff in a full-time capacity, will not be removed from SEBAC list(s) for a period of up to 3-three years for accepting a part-time, durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid full-time position. At the end of the three-year period, any employee who has not been reemployed in a full-time permanent position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list(s) if they accept full-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment right or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If a SEBAC candidate accepts a lesser position, they will remain in SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
18. What happens if an individual who was employed at the time of layoff in a part-time job, accepts a durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or lesser paid full-time position?+
SEBAC employees who are employed at the time of layoff in a part-time capacity, will not be removed from SEBAC list(s) for a period of up to three years for accepting a durational, temporary, job sharing, intermittent or a lesser paid position including a position with fewer hours per week. At the end of the 3 year period, any employee who has not been reemployed in a full-time permanent position at comparable pay to the position they were laid off from will be placed in an inactive status. They will be removed, however, from the SEBAC list(s) if they accept full-time permanent employment by exercising their contractual reemployment rights or their SEBAC rights to a comparable paid position. If a SEBAC employee accepts a lesser position, they will remain on SEBAC for only those positions they are deemed qualified to fill above the position they accepted.
19. If an employee is bumped and accepts a position in the same class as s/he was in at the time of layoff, does s/he receive SEBAC rights?+
Answer: No, unless the employee bumps to a job with fewer hours or to a job that is temporary or durational.
20. How can I update my contact information if my mailing address or phone numbers have changed?+
If you need to update your contact information:
- In your browser type:
- Click on the My Applications link found at the top of the page
- Click the Update My Contact Information link found beneath ‘I Forgot My Password’ link
- Enter your User ID and Password
- Review and update your contact information:
- Primary Telephone Number
- Alternate Telephone Number
- Email Address
- Street Address
- City
- Zip Code
21. If I have SEBAC rights to a job class, will I be contacted for all positions in that class?+
Answer: No, not necessarily. The information you provided on your Freenames Master Application with regard to location and work schedule choices (i.e., shift, part/full-time, durational/permanent) will be used as the basis for providing SEBAC lists to the agencies. For example, if the vacant position is in New Haven and you did not choose New Haven on your application, your name would not be certified to the agency for that position.
22. What happens if an individual is contacted for a job under SEBAC and s/he does not respond to the notice or waives the job offer?+
If an employee waives a total of three (3) suitable position offers from any State agency (ies) for any classification, the employee will be placed in an inactive status for all SEBAC position opportunities. Notification will be provided to the employee and their union if they are to be placed in an inactive status. An employee will be removed from the inactive status upon reapplication to DAS accompanied by a written indication of willingness to accept employment, if offered. A reapplication will be reviewed by the DAS for position qualifications and position interests. IMPORTANT NOTE: A waiver is counted when an employee turns down an opportunity for employment or does not reply to an offer of employment. Therefore, it is important that each employee review the job classes s/he has rights to as well as the location preferences and work schedule information s/he indicated on the Freenames Master Application to make certain this reflects positions that s/he will accept. It is also important that each employee keep his/her contact information up-to-date so that notices of job opportunities are received in a timely manne
23. How does an agency know where in the state you will accept jobs? +
The location preference information you completed on your Freenames Master Application is used to provide agencies with lists of employees that match the location of the job.
24. How does an agency know if I will accept a part-time or full-time, permanent, or durational/temporary position?+
The work schedule information you completed on your Freenames Master Application is used to provide agencies with lists of employees that match the work schedule of the job.
25. Can an individual change the location, work schedule and employment preferences that s/he originally made?+
Yes. Email with the following information:
• Your name
• Your employee ID#:
• Job Title(s):
• Job Code(s):
• Location Preference changes:
• Shift or Work Schedule Preference changes:
• Employment Preference changes: -
26. What salary would an individual receive if re-employed under his/her SEBAC rights?+
An employee appointed from a SEBAC list to a position in his/her former salary group will be appointed at the same step in such group as s/he held at the time of layoff. An employee appointed to a position in a lower salary group shall be paid at the step in the lower salary group which is closest, but not more than, his/her current salary at the time of layoff. (This salary cannot exceed the maximum of the salary range.) An employee appointed from a SEBAC list to a position in a higher salary group will be appointed as if s/he was promoted using the salary dollar amount the employee was earning at the time of layoff as the base pay. The salary plan in effect at the time of rehire is used to determine the employee’s new salary rather than the salary plan in effect at the time of layoff. A managerial employee appointed from a SEBAC list to a position in the managerial pay plan will be compensated at the same salary dollar amount that s/he was earning at the time of layoff. This salary must fall within the salary range of the new position. (If the salary at the time of layoff is below the minimum of the new salary group, then the employee must be paid at the minimum of the salary range. Likewise, if the salary at the time of layoff is above the maximum of the salary of the new salary group, then the employee must be paid at the maximum of the salary range. Under no circumstance can the new salary exceed the maximum of the salary range.)
27. I have heard about a 30-day rule. What is this rule and how does it work?+
For administrative purposes, once an agency certifies a SEBAC list, the agency will have a window period of up to 30 days to contact the employees on the list, interview and make a job offer. If the employees on the SEBAC list do not respond or do not accept an offer of employment, the employing agency may proceed to consider other candidates for employment without requesting an additional SEBAC list, subject to appropriate merit system rules. After the 30 days have expired and the agency has not made a bona fide offer of employment which has been accepted by the “outside” candidate, the agency must certify a new SEBAC list.
28. If an employee retires in lieu of layoff, does s/he receive SEBAC rights?+
29. Can an individual request SEBAC rights to additional job titles?+
Yes. Email with the following information:
- Your name
- Your employee ID#:
- Job Title(s) which you think you are qualified to fill:
- Job Code(s) belonging to the job titles which you think you are qualified to fill:
DAS will conduct a review of the additional classes which you think you are qualified to fill. The Department of Administrative Services makes the final determination of classes you are qualified to fill. If eligible, you will receive an email notification from DAS SHRM with an attachment (CT-HR-1a form) and instructions for requesting rights to additional classes you are qualified to fill. Please be diligent in checking your email and updating your contact information. Most correspondence will occur via email.
30. If I am laid off from state service will I receive a payout for my accrued vacation, sick and personal leave time?+
Answer: You will receive payment for your accrued vacation time only. If you return to state service in the same calendar year the layoff occurs, your unused personal leave time will be reinstated. If you return to state service prior to the expiration of your reemployment rights, your unused sick leave time will be reinstated. (Reemployment rights are usually for three years but may be longer, depending on an employee’s labor unit. For example, the NP-2 collective bargaining agreement specifies five years.)
1. If an employee is laid off, what SEBAC rights is s/he eligible to receive?+