DAS Procurement State Contracting Portal for Contracts

How To

Find Solicitations (Invitations to Bids, Requests for Proposal, Requests for Information)

Find Contracts (active and expired)

When searching for solicitations or contracts, you may search in any of the following ways or combinations;

  • Enter the solicitation or contract number (if known).  You may also enter a part of the solicitation or contract number (i.e., 15PSX…)
  • Enter a keyword or phrase that may be in the description (i.e., office supplies)
  • Select the organization the contract is for (i.e., Department of Administrative Services) from the left-side navigation
  • For Contract Searches, a Vendor Name (i.e., Staples) may be used by using the Advance Search magnifying glass on the right of the search box.

When using combinations, the search engine will ONLY give results when all the criteria match.  Expired and current contracts may also be searched by selecting the appropriate check boxes on the search form.

  • A list of contracts that fit the criteria will be displayed.
  • Review the description to help locate a particular contract.
  • Select the contract number to view the contract summary and view solicitation or contract documents.

Access instructions on how to search CTsource.
