Sections 10, 360, and 367 of Public Act 22-118 established a new grant program to encourage public school districts to install, replace, or upgrade, their heating, ventilation, or air conditioning (HVAC) systems. This program addresses school facilities’ needs and repairs for improved ventilation and indoor air quality to support healthy learning environments in districts and schools. The program was codified into the Connecticut General Statutes at § 10-265r and § 10-265t and has been amended by Sections 48 and 328 of Public Act 23-204 and Sections 58 and 119 of Public Act 23-205.
Here is the HVAC Program Guidance
Submit an extension request for an already awarded project.
(This form is for districts that have been awarded a grant from DAS for the HVAC IAQ grant program and need additional time to complete their project. This is not a page to request an extension for a pending application.)