Behavioral Health Quarterly Statewide Meeting Challenges Transitioning School to Adult April 2023

4/28/2023 Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting presentation on Transitioning from School to Adult Services by Michael Soderlund, M.S., BCBA, LBA. Aging out of school services into DDS services is a significant transition in an individual’s life. This presentation provides guidance for behavior planning as teams partner with individuals and their families to attain practical functional skills. The content is undergirded by our mission to help individuals participate meaningfully in their lives and the community. Presentation objectives:

  • Identify barriers to effective transitions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual and developmental disabilities,
  • Review of implications for stakeholders, and
  • Provide guidance for setting short-term and long-term behavioral goals that support lifelong practical skill acquisition and increased independence.

To View on YouTube:


Facilitating Transitions to DDS Adult Services