Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting: Overview of Mental Health Diagnoses in IDD January 2022

The 1/28/2022 Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting Presentation includes an overview of mental health diagnoses in IDD with a primary target audience of behaviorists providing services for individuals with IDD. The goals of the presentation are to assist you to:

  1. Gain familiarity with key components of major mental health diagnoses in IDD,
  2. Identify essential target behaviors to track for an individual’s current mental health concerns,
  3. Improve coordination and collaboration with prescribers, and
  4. Identify appropriate referrals considering presenting concerns.

Keep in mind that the presentation reflects current DSM-5 diagnoses and some of the information will change with future DSM revisions.  As always, feel free to contact the presenters if you have clarifying questions about content therein.

To view on YouTube:

MH & IDD 1-28-22 PowerPoint