Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting: Fade Plans July 29, 2022

7/29/2022 Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting Presentation on Fade Planning by Don Seipal, M.S., BCBA, LBA and Kimberly Stine, Behaviorist Specialist. DDS requires fade plans to uphold our statutory obligation to protect the rights of the individuals we serve by using the least restrictive approach needed and to promote programming to help individuals develop functionally equivalent skills.

  • Don and Kimberly compiled a comprehensive presentation in which they shared examples, types of fades, how to present data on fade progress, and offered a collection of starting points for fading specific restrictives.
  • Remember a fade plan is developed at the ONSET of an aversive, enhanced staffing, planned restraint, etc.
  • Please use this presentation as a model and guide for developing a successful fade.

As always, feel free to contact the regional directors if you have clarifying questions about content therein.