Uniform Electronic Interagency Facility Licensing and Certification Process Video
Title: Uniform Electronic Interagency Facility Licensing and Certification Process
Lean Government Conference: Leading Through Change Pratt and Whitney Stadium at Rentschler Field, East Hartford, CT
Date: June 8, 2018
Length: 1:10:50
Please view the video at YouTube Uniform Electronic Interagency Facility Licensing and Certification Process Presentation (this includes captioning)
- Alyssa Goduti, President and CEO, Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies
- Jim McPherson, Program Manager, Licensing Unit, CT Department of Children and Families
- Stan Soby, Vice President, Public Policy and External Affairs, Oak Hill
- Josh Scalora, Organizational Development Manager, CT Department of Developmental Services
- Anne Ruwet, CEO, CCARC, Inc.
- Barbara Cass, Section Chief - Facility Licensing and Investigations Section, CT Department of Public Health
Session Abstract
The focus of this effort is to improve the safety and quality of the services we provide to the 3.5
million healthcare beneficiaries that State agencies and private providers serve by streamlining
and standardizing the process through the use of Lean thinking and practice by which certain
types of facilities are licensed by State agencies.
- Multiple state agencies have licensure and certification requirements for the same
community providers. In many cases these requirements, processes
- Multiple state agencies have licensure and certification requirements for the same
community providers. In many cases these requirements, processes and timelines differ,
creating redundancies and unnecessary administrative burdens for providers and state
agencies. Lean can be used to streamline internal and external licensure processing to improve
workflow and create efficiencies at a time when state and community resources are stretched.
- Nonprofit providers need to do more with less, and have identified perceived inefficiencies in
regulatory function across multiple state agencies.
- State agencies face a shrinking workforce and budget while the State and Federal entities
continue to mandate activities for them to implement.
2018 Lean Conference Agenda (PDF, 86 KB)
2018 Lean Government Conference - Session Summaries (PDF, 129 KB)