About Support Brokers

A Support Broker is a case manager who helps consumers design and self direct their own supports. The broker assists with circle development; person centered planning; individual budget development; helping find and develop needed supports and services; hiring and monitoring of support providers; and with the assistance of a fiscal intermediary, budget management and payment of support providers. The caseload for brokers is up to 30 individuals who hire and manage their own staff and have a strong need and willingness to develop circles and community supports; look to use DDS funds for creative and unique development of supports.

Broker services can be obtained from a DDS Support Broker (who is a DDS Case Manager)or they can be purchased from an independent Broker. When broker services are purchased from an independent broker, the service is known as FICS (Family and Individual Consultative Services). This can be an ongoing or transitional service.   Refer to various DDS guides for more information about self direction and how a support broker can assist you.

HCBS Guidebook

An Understanding to Your Hiring Choices

Making Good Choices about Your DDS Supports & Services
