Integrated Services Pilot - Success Stories

January 10, 2020


The Intellectual Disability Partnership (IDP), in consultation with the IDP Advisory Committee, piloted an Integrated Services program to allow for more flexible supports to enhance an individual’s ability to live and work in their community, based upon their unique support needs.
The pilot allowed 14 individuals who self-direct their services to blend funding from the DDS Employment Opportunities & Day Services account and the DSS Community Residential Services account. Traditionally, individuals served by DDS are unable to comingle funds and must utilize supports based on separate day or residential authorizations.
DDS case managers with individuals participating in the pilot recently shared their experiences. Here are their stories:
North Region
  • L. Continues to benefit GREATLY from the Integrated Services Pilot that she has been utilizing. This service has been a perfect fit for her needs.

    For some years now, L. has been struggling with the ongoing progression of Alzheimer’s-Type Dementia related to her diagnosis of Downs Syndrome. The individualized day service, that L. had prior to the Integrated Service pilot becoming available, was no longer meeting her increasing needs. L’s needs prevented her from being able to participate in community activities and as a result, without that community component, the program was no longer considered an appropriate Waiver service for L.  Integrated Services became available right at that critical time and provided an answer to this issue.

    Integrated Services has allowed L. to comfortably remain in her home receiving the care and support that she needs. L. requires a significant amount of personal care during her day as well as adhering to a repositioning schedule, every 2 hours, to assist with maintain her skin integrity. The program, being delivered out of L’s home, also allows a variety of activities to occur that enhance the quality of L’s life, such as visits from family and friends, massages, active stimulation activities, reading and enjoying music.

    Individuals, like L. often reach a point where Day Program options may no longer meet their needs.  Integrated Services has provided an opportunity for L. to maintain a good quality of life at a time of change that is challenging for many.
South Region
  • N’s supports have been very beneficial for her.   The major reason being that the person who provides N’s support also provides her residential services.  The ability to just provide support to N. has made it a lot easier.   Unfortunately, N. has recently experienced health complications. However, the pilot allows for N. to use her support system of medical providers, employer and residential provider without the worry of prior authorizations. N. has enough funding to provide her with what she needs. This process has proven successful for both employer and employee.

  • J. was able to use most of his funding from integrated services for residential supports. By receiving enough support to meet his needs, J. continues to do well.  Prior to the pilot, staff were seeing a lot of behaviors caused by his disinterest in day program activities.  Since participation in the pilot, J’s behaviors have decreased and he remains stable and happy.  J’s family has asked that this pilot continue and that his funding be shifted to in-home supports.

  • Currently S. receives in-home supports that assist him with daily living skills such as grocery shopping, budgeting, and medical appointments. S. is reliant on his supports as he as he resides alone. S. was also able to utilize his supports to secure employment. S. is happy with his in-home supports and individualized day program as it keeps him active and engaged in the community.
West Region
  • P. has used his integrated supports for more respite time, specifically at camp. This is important because his family has been on the lookout for another residential arrangement for him besides their home. Without the respite time away from the family, they would not be able to sustain living together. P. is aging too and requiring more assistance so being able to move funding as needed is most beneficial to P.

  • P has been to camp over the summer and his sister is exploring P. going to camp on the weekends during the year. This is new to the family and they are figuring out the best times to use funds for respite on the weekend while also determining a new living arrangement.

  • N. has been able to use integrated supports for more day service hours with the two agencies that support him. One supports him at a job and the other supports him with volunteering. The flexibility with his funding is valuable because it allows N. opportunities to increase his work hours should they become available and explore other vocational outlets. He enjoys working as it gives him a sense of pride. The family traditionally has had difficulty finding self-hire residential staff, so there have been extra, unused dollars in the past. Having integrated supports allows greater opportunities for N. and N’s utilization is right on target.