Marrakech Success Story

On Friday October 26, 2012 consumers of Marrakech, Inc. put on their fanciest dresses, shiniest shoes, nicest suites, and most creative masks and enjoyed themselves at their annual formal dance. This year’s theme was a masquerade ball. Over 220 internal and external consumers, staff, friends, and families attended the event this year.
Since they knew there would be many in attendance, Marrakech decided to roll out the new DDS Mission and Vision at the event. Each consumer, staff, and family member who attended the event received a laminated card that displayed DDS’s new mission and vision on the card.  Marrakech, Inc. supports DDS’s new mission by ensuring that each individual served is given the opportunity to have meaningful and empowering relationships. This is truly demonstrated at their annual consumer formal dance.
Marrakech, Inc. has hosted an annual formal event, with some help from sponsors, for their consumers since 2008. The very first event was called a “prom”.  Marrakech, Inc. started off as the prom grew into a Harvest Ball, last year’s theme, and this year a Masquerade Ball. The agency’s consumers look forward to putting on their best and having a good time with their peers each year.
Person at Event People at Event
Person at Event Person at Event