Preparing for the Future-Spotlight on Project SEARCH Partnership with Goodwin University and MARC Inc

January 24, 2020
Employment is an integral part of the continuum of services offered through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) that provide meaningful opportunities for the individuals we support. DDS is committed to facilitating integrated employment and offering various employment related initiatives that focus on job-related skill development.
DDS qualified provider, MARC Inc. of Manchester is working with Goodwin University to expand employment opportunities to individuals with intellectual disability. Through the Project SEARCH program model, MARC Inc. of Manchester has created a unique, business led internship program for young adults interested in developing employment related skills through hands-on experience with the goal of becoming competitively employed in the community.
The program itself, runs for 9 months out of the year, and during that 9 months, interns are able to complete 3 different internships, each ten weeks. Most recently, the interns finished their first internship round at Goodwin University.
The program includes classroom time that focuses on independence, life skills and employment.  Interns also gain hands-on experience in a career focused setting.
For the 2019-2020 class, interns worked in the following areas at Goodwin University, Administration, Student Affairs, Welcome Desk and Facilities. Along with providing oversight, support, ongoing coordination and an opportunity for daily reflection, MARC Inc also facilitated opportunities for interns to learn about local government, financial management and culinary skills.
Interns from the 2019-2020 class shared their future dreams with MARC Inc. Of Manchester, some aspire to work at ESPN, in an office setting or a daycare with children. DDS wants to congratulate all of the interns that are a part of Project SEARCH. It is clear you each have a very bright future ahead!
Project SEARCH Coordinator & Instructor, Linsey Sidera from MARC Inc. and Project SEARCH interns
Project SEARCH Coordinator & Instructor, Lindsey Sidera from MARC Inc. and Project SEARCH interns visit the state Capitol.
Project SEARCH interns and MARC Inc
Project SEARCH interns and MARC Inc complete a rock ceremony to signify the end of their first internship round. Congratulations to all!