Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder Housing (“IDASH”) Program

The State of Connecticut Department of Housing, Department of Developmental Services, and Department of Social Services are pleased to announce this NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY for the development of supportive housing units.  The IDASH Program  (Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder Housing)  is accepting applications on a rolling basis beginning January 25, 2017.  The program will integrate affordable, supportive housing units in larger developments.

This Notice of Funding Availability (this “NOFA”) is directed to owners of either existing affordable rental developments or developers of proposed new affordable multifamily rental developments seeking funding from the Department of Housing (“DOH”) that are also interested in creating housing for individuals with intellectual disabilities or individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. The State of Connecticut (the “State”) is committed to expanding opportunities for safe, decent and affordable multifamily rental housing for its residents. Investment in affordable multifamily rental development and preservation creates jobs and increases local revenue. DOH is issuing this NOFA to expand the existing collaborative interagency effort to create supportive housing as an evidence-based response to vulnerable populations. The purpose of this NOFA is to create new units of permanent supportive housing for individuals with intellectual disabilities on the Intellectual Disability Medicaid Waivers (DDS) or for individuals that are on the State’s Adult Autism Waiver (DSS).

DDS currently supports many individuals in integrated, community-based settings, in livable communities with access to transportation and jobs or vocational opportunities.  We see this as the necessary change in direction of services in the coming years.  This is integral to achieving the Department’s Mission that Individuals will fully participate as valued members of our communities. Our Vision is that all citizens supported by the Department of Developmental Services are valued contributors to their communities as family members, friends, neighbors, students, employees, volunteers, members of civic and religious associations, voters and advocates.  The development of supportive housing units under this Program will require property developers to partner with our qualified providers to bring proposals for review and approval.  We are excited about the possibilities and see this as a very important first step towards system transformation towards a support model fully embracing of the CMS Final Rule on Settings requiring Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) to be provided in the most integrated setting with the same access to community life as any other non-disabled citizen.  We believe this model to be both supportive of the best outcomes for individuals and the most cost-effective way to support a growing population.

Please visit the Department of Housing website for more information on this Program: