Data Indicates Post-Secondary Ed Program "Works"

In July 2015, the Think College National Coordinating Center at the Institute for Community Inclusion released the 2014 Transition Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability (TPSID) annual report. The report represents the most comprehensive knowledge base related to post-secondary education access and outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities.
Think College provides data collected on the types of colleges engaged in TPSID programs, characteristics of students, and information about academic access, campus membership, and program elements that supported self-determination, such as person-centered planning.
A primary goal of the TPSID program is to facilitate career development and the supports necessary for students to seek and sustain integrated competitive employment. Data on student engagement in career planning, student paid employment and wage distribution, and job coaching may be of particular interest to SELN state members.

This report is a "must read" for SELN members who have TPSID programs and those who want to increase post-secondary opportunities for youth in their state. All annual reports are available on the Think College publications page.
On a related note, Think College was just awarded a $10 million grant to continue their excellent work. Congrats to the TC team!