What is Charting the LifeCourse Planning

LifeCourse Infographic    Foundation LifeCourse  
Foundation of Charting the LifeCourse Framework
Core Belief: All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their life aspirations just as others do in their community.
All People ALL People
All people, regardless of age, ability or family role, are considered in the LifeCourse vision, values, policies and practices for supporting individuals and families.  All families have choice and access to supports they need, whether they are known to the disability system or not.
Family Systems and Cycles Family Systems and Cycles
People exist and have reciprocal roles within a family system, which adjust as the individual members change and age. Individuals and families need supports that address all facets of life and adjust as roles and needs of family members change as they age through family cycles.
Life Outcomes Life Outcomes
Individuals and families focus on life experiences that point the trajectory towards a good quality of life.  Based on current support structures that focus on self-determination, community living, social capital and economic self-sufficiency, the emphasis is on planning for life outcomes, not just services.
Life Domains Life Domains
People lead whole lives made up of specific, connected, and integrated life domains that are important to a god quality of life, including daily living, safety and security, community living, healthy lifestyle, social and spirituality, and citizenship and advocacy.
Life Stages and Trajectory Life Stages and Trajectory
Individuals and families focus on a specific life stage, with an awareness of how prior, current and future life stages and experiences impact and influence life trajectory. It is important to have a vision of a good life quality of life, and have opportunities, experiences and support to move the life trajectory in a positive direction.
Individual and Family supports Individual and Family Supports
Supports address all facets of life and adjust as roles and needs of all family members change. Types of support might include Discovery and Navigation (information, education, skill building): Connecting and Networking (peer support) and Goods and Services (daily living and financial supports).
Policy Systems Policy Systems
Individuals and families are satisfactorily involved in policy making so that they influence planning, policy, implementation, evaluation and revision of practices that affect them. Every program, organization, system and policymaker must always think about a person in the context of family. It is critical that the self-advocate and family voice is heard.