Residential Services in the Community
What kind of Residential Services are available in the Community?
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and 195 private providers offer a range of residential settings in the community.  The following are the options available to you;
Community Living Arrangements (CLAs):
Community residences—CLAs also known as group homes, are operated by DDS regions or private agencies and offer individuals opportunities to live in typical community housing.
  • Homes are varying in size and generally serve six or fewer individuals.  The majority of the homes are receiving   reimbursement through the Medicaid Waiver Program. 
  • Some privately operated CLA’s are ICF/MR certified.  These are licensed by DDS and certified by the Department of Public Health (DPH) under federal standards.
Continuous Residential Supports (CRS):
Individuals and/or families may wish to pool their resources to create a shared out-of-home living situation.
  • A CRS is a shared living arrangement for three or fewer DDS individuals. It is not licensed as a CLA but can provide 24 hour staff support.
The requirements for this type of setting are:
  • The individuals wish to live together
  • The individuals have adequate funding to create and sustain this type of living arrangement
  • The individuals have the funding to hire sufficient ongoing support staff and clinical supports
  • These homes must be reviewed by DDS prior to occupancy to ensure that certain standards are met.
Individualized Home Supports (IHS):
This service is provided in the individual’s or family’s home in the community.  An agency may provide this service/support or the individual may privately hire someone to provide it.
  • IHS provides assistance in basic skills, banking, budgeting, shopping and is designed to allow a person to live in their family home or live in their own home
  • A person can either work with a private provider for services or they can hire someone on their own to provide the services
  • Anyone that works for a private provider or that you would hire would receive training in DDS policies and procedures including; abuse/neglect, incident reporting, individual rights and confidentiality and the prevention of sexual abuse.  They also will have specific training to implement strategies to address behavior, medical or other identified needs and to provide assistance in following special diets and/or therapeutic routines.
  • Typical use of this service is 5-20 hours a week. Increased hours can be provided based on a Level of Need and Individual Plan.  This service provides intermittent support and is less than 24 hour a day support.
Community Companion Home (CCH): (formerly, Community Training Home)
A CCH is a private family home licensed by DDS, under regulations of the state of CT, to provide a residence and necessary support services to three or fewer individuals with intellectual disability. A CCH provides a nurturing home environment where individuals can share responsibilities, develop relationships, be independent and make their own choices.
  • The CCH licensee will provide assistance with daily living skills necessary to enable your loved one to live in the community and be as independent as possible.
  • In order for a person to become a licensed CCH provider, he or she must undergo the licensure process out lined in regulations, which includes but is not limited to submitting references; authorizing a conviction record check for themselves and other occupants of the home; and participating in a home study process.  His or her home must also be evaluated for fire safety. Once the person is licensed, he or she will be trained in a variety of health and safety areas, DDS policies and procedures including abuse/neglect, incident reporting,  individual’s rights and confidentiality and the prevention of sexual abuse. A licensee also receives training in the specific needs and supports of any individual placed in the CCH.
  • All information related to the CCH is updated annually, and all CCHs undergo an annual licensing inspection, under regulations, by the DDS Central Office Quality Management Unit.