Committee Overview

Committee Overview

  • ARPA Advisory Committee – This committee will discuss the transformational intent of ARPA, gather input and feedback, and focus on effective, positive, consistent communication to all the stakeholders.
  • Residential transformational Process –This workgroup will assist the department in promoting alternative options for individuals, future options for group home placements and assist in the development of financial incentives for providers to provide these alternative settings, the use of transformational plans, and educating individuals, guardians, and families of the various alternatives.
  • Day transformational Process –The group will work collaboratively with the Reimaging Day Committee to ensure consistency in future options for day support programs.  As part of the workgroup, the committee will assist in the development of financial incentives for providers, the use of transformational plans, and educating individuals, guardians, and families of the various alternatives.
  • Individual and Family engagement –This workgroup will assist the department in developing materials on how to inform individuals and their family members/sponsoring people of the benefits of these alternative residential settings, assistive technology and self-determining one’s own supports.
  • DDS engagement - This work group will assist central office in developing consistent communication for DD staff  to discuss possible transformational changes to the private provider community, expected outcomes for individuals, education of alternative settings, provider's transformational plans and what they mean for the individuals, issues with potential transfers, what happens if a placement does not work out, and how to identifying individuals who are unhappy where they currently live.