Transition to Adulthood Daily Life Education and Employment

Transition to Adulthood
Daily Life; Education and Employment
Questions Your Child Will Want You to Ask: Are you helping me explore assistive technology that would help with learning employment and adult living skills?  Have you helped me create a transition plan that is truly individualized and that prepares me for adult life after school ends?  Does my transition plan include work or volunteer experience and how to practice look for a job, getting a job and keeping a job?  What daily/independent living skills am I working on as part of my transition plan?  Does my transition plan balance my work experience, social skill and academic needs according to my needs, desires and abilities?  Are you helping me understand that doing my best at school and being responsible will help me to get a job I like someday?  Am I learning about different types of adult roles and how they are interrelated?  Have you talked to me about post-secondary education?  Taken me for college visits?

Assistive Technology and Employment-

General Transition Planning

State of CT: Department of Education website has a variety of resources for transition including the Building a Bridge Transition Manual, the Directory of Transition and Vocational Service Providers, and the Directory of Transition Services in College, University and Community-Based Settings.

The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center provides technical assistance to states to help youth with disabilities and their families achieve desired post-school outcomes. See Student’s and Families link.

Tri-State Transition Guide providing samples of IEP Goals and Objectives for Self Determination, Post-secondary Education & Training, Employment, and Independent Living (Community Participation)

Connect-Ability Youth website has many resources from Why Work to Getting to Work. Connect-Ability began in late 2005 as systems change grant in CT to identify and remove barriers to employment, including the barrier of transition from school to work, faced by people with disabilities.

State of CT: Bureau of Rehabilitation Services website provides information about BRS Transition Services as well as tools and information to start planning for postsecondary education and employment. Also has link to search for Community Resource Providers.

National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability is an in depth source for information about employment and youth with disabilities

The Division on Career Development and Transition is a Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) that promotes efforts to improve the quality of and access to career/vocational and transition services. Website has useful publications and resources.
Post-Secondary Education

Think College: Post-Secondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Resources include databases of various college programs.

UCONN University   (*search Secondary Transition Resources)

College Guide for Disable Students

Driving Evaluation Easter Seals

Kennedy Center Mobility Services -

National/State Transportation Resources

