Transition to Adulthood Citizenship and Advocacy

Transition to Adulthood - Advocacy & Rights
Citizenship and Advocacy
Questions Your Child Will Want You to Ask: Are you wondering if I will need guardianship at age 18?  Are you exploring alternatives to guardianship so I can retain my rights to make my own decisions?  Do you know about things that you can do to help keep me safe without getting guardianship?  Does my transition plan include learning skills that will help me to “be my own person’ and not need a guardian for decision-making support or protection?  Are you helping me to learn how to vote?  Do you know where to get information about guardianship and the probate court?  Do you know about my voting rights?


Supported decision-making (SDM) allows individuals with disabilities to make choices about their own lives with support from a team of people.  Individuals with disabilities choose people they know and trust to be part of a support network to help with decision-making.

Here you’ll find our ever-growing user friendly resources, guides, and toolkits to help older adults and people with disabilities exercise their Right to Make Choices.  The material is divided into subjects like Guardianship, Education, and Health Care.  If you know of a good resource, please share it!

Connecticut Probate Court Intellectual Disabilities

Connecticut Judicial Law Library Guardianship

Self Advocacy/Speaking Up

Voting and Guardianship -

Voter Toolkit -

Your Rights as a Voter with a Disability

Center for an Accessible Society-Voting Rights

The Riot Issue 33 July 2012 Voting Rocks