Respite Services

What is Respite?

Respite is the temporary care of a person with a disability for the purpose of offering relief to the family or caregiver. It is a service that allows for time to reenergize, deal with emergency situations, or engage in personal, social, or routine activities and tasks that otherwise may be neglected, postponed, or curtailed due to the demands of caring for a person who has intellectual disabilities.
What types of respite are available?
Overnight respite is available at the DDS Respite Centers operated and staffed by DDS (Respite Center FAQs).  DDS Respite Centers provide 24-hour care for extended weekends in comfortable home-like environments.  Respite Centers are also open full weeks during the summer and some school vacations.
Both overnight and hourly respite are available as services to individuals enrolled in the department’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers. For more information about DDS’ HCBS Waivers, please visit:
Families of individuals who are not enrolled in an HCBS Waiver may request a subsidy, called an Individual and Family Grant, to purchase their own respite services or may request hourly respite supports provided by regional Family Support Workers.
Respite may also be available in your region through local community providers or vendors that train respite staff to provide in-home and community respite. Ask your case manager about respite opportunities in your region.