Department of Developmental Services
 Secondary Transition
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is divided into three regions, the North, South and West Regions, with each region having at least two transition coordinators.
»  The role of the DDS transition coordinator:
  1. Assist students, families, school systems, adult service agencies and DDS case managers in planning a student’s transition from school to adult life.
  2. Collaborate with the following state agencies to insure that all transition options are explored and presented to students, families and school systems for consideration:
    Department of Social Service (DSS), Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), Board of Educational Services for the Blind (BESB), State Department of Education (SDE), Department of Children and Families (DCF), and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).
  3. Collaborate with providers of adult services to insure that students, families and school systems become knowledgeable of the various employment and day service supports available.
  4. Participate in informational sessions.
  5. Assist in the DDS planning process for graduating students.
»  Eligibility for DDS services:
In order to qualify for services from DDS, an individual must apply and meet criteria for eligibility. To be found eligible for services, the individual must reside in Connecticut. The individual’s IQ score must be 69 or less. At the same time, the person must also have deficits in adaptive functioning. Individuals with a diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome are also eligible.
In order to effectively plan for transition, an individual should apply to DDS as early as possible, but no later than during his/her initial years in high school. To obtain an application, please call the DDS Central Eligibility Unit at: 1-866-433-8192. An individual and/or family member may be assisted by school personnel in applying for DDS eligibility and in the completion of the application process once written permission has been given by the individual/family to DDS.
Please Note:
For those children who remained with the Department from the birth-to-three system, it is necessary for them to reapply after the age of 7 years old. Typically it is at this time when IQ testing is administered. DDS must receive test results by the time a child is age 8 years old to continue services.
»  Requirements for eligibility for DDS employment/day services funding:

At age 18, an individual should apply to the Department of Social Services (DSS) for Medicaid/ Title 19 and apply to the Social Security Administration for social security entitlements. It is imperative that the individual be eligible for Medicaid in order to receive DDS employment or day program funding upon graduation.
Employment and day services supports for school graduates are funded through the DDS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers. To be eligible for the HCBS waivers, an individual must qualify for Medicaid and must agree to maintain Medicaid eligibility.
DDS has two HCBS Waivers:
  1. The Individual and Family Support Waiver provides in-home, day, employment and family support services for people who live in their own or family home.
  2. The Comprehensive Waiver is for services delivered in residential licensed settings and employment/day services and in-home services for individuals who need a more intensive level of support to remain in their own or family home.
»  Accessing DDS services:
  1. The DDS case manager is the primary contact in accessing any services from the Department.
  2. The Department begins planning for upcoming graduates, who have been determined to be eligible for services by DDS, two to three years prior to graduation at the age of 21.
  3. DDS services are non-mandated supports and therefore are based on availability of resources and funding.
  4. For any student who graduates from his/her school system prior to the age of 21, all efforts will be made to provide employment or day services funding as available.
»  How school systems/ parents can be of assistance in the DDS transition
     planning process:
  1. Invite the DDS case manager and/or transition coordinator to Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meetings and transition meetings.
  2. Provide on-going information regarding the strengths, preferences, interests, and needs of the student.
  3. Provide information and assistance to students and families regarding DDS services.
  4. Partner with DDS personnel to provide information to students and families regarding DDS approved provider agencies.
  5. Participate in scheduling visits to provider agencies during the transition process.
  6. Collaborate with DDS personnel in all aspects of transition planning.
For further information regarding DDS transition planning, contact the following:
North Region:
1. Jennifer Bundy (Newington, 860-331-2062) Email:
2. Jennifer Miner (Willimantic, 860-456-6334) Email:
3. Rachel Fox (East Hartford, 860-263-2681) Email:
South Region:
1. Asucena Colon (Norwich, 860-859-5531) Email:
2. Jude Monteleone (New Haven, 203-974-4260) Email:
West Region:
1. Marcus Collentine (Danbury, 203-448-3531) Email:
2. VACANT (Stratford)
3. Kaitlyn Drenzek (Cheshire, 203-806-8793) Email:
*Please visit the Department of Developmental Services website at