Individual Plan

Individual Plan Forms  |  References  | IP Examples and Resources

What are the departments individual planning documents?
All individuals who receive supports and services from DDS have either an individual plan, based on the supports and services they receive. The individual plan is the document that guides all department supports and services provided to the person.

Which individuals served by DDS have an individual plan?
All individuals who receive ongoing DDS supports and services have an individual plan. This includes individuals who receive Home and Community Based Services, all children in Voluntary Services, and all individuals who receive any DDS funded in-home support, including vendor supports, individual support, or supports under an Individual Support Agreement (ISA). Individual plans are developed on a yearly basis. Those who have individual plans also have their needs assessed with the CT Level of Need Assessment and Screening Tool (LON) each year before the planning meeting.

Is there a shorter plan for individuals who receive minimal supports?
Yes. An individual plan (short version also known as an IPS is developed for individuals who receive case management and receive minimal supports such as individual and family grants or respite.

Why is it important to develop a plan?
The DDS planning process results in a plan which is the document to guide all supports and services provided to your family member. Planning is a way to discover your family member needs and the kind of life he or she desires. The plan identifies supports and services that will address you family member’s needs and maps out strategies to obtain them.

Should I attend my family member’s planning meeting?
Yes. Every effort will be made to schedule the planning meeting at times and locations that will facilitate participation by you and your family member. You and your family member have  important roles in communicating needs and preferences, sharing information, and selecting support options and support providers. You and your family member should also share information with your case manager and other team members about your satisfaction with the supports and services.

Should my family member served by DDS attend the planning meeting?
Yes. Your family member should be present at his or her planning meeting. The case manager should ensure your family member has access to any supports required to actively contribute to the planning process. 

Who are the other members of the planning team?
Your case manager will coordinate the plan. Other team members include staff who provide supports to your family member. Depending upon your family member’s specific needs, health providers, clinicians, or other professionals who provide supports may be involved. If you are hiring your own staff, or interested in that option, you may have an independent support broker to provide Family and Individual Consultation and Support (FICS) who should also be included on the planning team. You and your family member have a choice about who is invited to the planning meeting.

Is it possible to have a language or sign language interpreter at the planning meeting?
Yes. You and your family member will receive the supports you need to be directly involved in the development of the plan including supports in your native language or primary mode of communication.

How often should the plan be revised?
You and the other members of the planning team should review all areas of the plan when there are any changes in your family member’s life situation. For individuals who receive ongoing supports, the plan should be updated at least annually. If your family member receives minimal supports from DDS, his or her plan will be updated every three years at a minimum.

How can I learn more information about the DDS planning process?
For more information, you can contact your family member’s case manager or refer to; A Guide to Individual Planning, Making Good Choices About Your DDS Supports and Services.

Individual Plan Forms
HS No. 17-1 Attachment A Aquatic Activity Screening Form