Choosing and Managing Your Own Day Services Supports
There are many adult service providers in Connecticut and it might seem like quite a challenge to find the right one. It is often helpful to explore a variety of providers to determine if there is a good match for you in terms of philosophies and services. It is important to remember that DDS funding is “portable” which means that you can take your funding with you and switch providers if you so choose. Another option is for individuals and their families to hire and manage their own staff to provide specific employment related supports. This self determination approach includes person c entered planning, choice of services, individual budgets and a support network that includes case management and a fiscal intermediary.
Making Good Choices about DDS Supports and Services (2007):
A helpful handbook that provides an overview of self determination and hiring your own staff, information and things to consider when selecting a provider and how to make good choices along the way.
A helpful handbook that provides an overview of self determination and hiring your own staff, information and things to consider when selecting a provider and how to make good choices along the way.
DDS Qualified Provider List:
Database of all adults services providers who are qualified to provide both residential and day services supports to people who receive funding from DDS. This database allows you to search by town and then provides a profile of each agency which specifies the types of services that are offered. There is also a link to a DDS Quality Profile for that provider which offers a summary of recent Quality Service Review results. DDS Qualified Providers
This DDS manual provides an excellent step by step process for all aspects of self-directing your own supports. This manual has been developed to provide you with the information you need to successfully hire and manage your own staff using your own individual budget. It includes information about recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training and terminating staff. If you are looking to hire your own staff, this is a data base of personal care assistants in Connecticut who are available to be hired directly by individuals and their families using their own or DDS funding. If an individual receives services from DDS, the y are eligible for a free subscription to this service by contacting their case manager.
Quality Indicators for Review of Competitive Employment Job Outcomes This Virginia Commonwealth University document provides individuals, families and providers with a set of indicators that reflect best practices and can be used to measure the quality of services being offered.