Fire Prevention and Safety Training Update, June 2012

We have completed a second year of the Department of Developmental Services Fire Prevention and Safety training initiative. The results have been very good and we would like to thank all providers for their cooperation in making this program a success.

As we shared last year, we are listening to your comments and continue to make adjustments. The closed captioning is available on the program by clicking the “cc” button located under the video of the presenter. The Spanish version is essentially complete, we are working on some small changes in the closed captioning before we roll that out. This should occur very soon.

For the 2012 refresher training we would like the providers to utilize sections 1, 4 and 5. The primary exam should be exam A and Exam B should be used for a remediation exam.

The training stove was utilized some last year. This is a great safe tool for realistic simulated fire extinguisher training. As we shared with you last year, we have two of these props available, one through the Ct Fire Academy out of Windsor locks, and the second out of the Southbury Training School Fire Department. Contact Chief Timothy Baldwin at the Southbury Training School Fire Department about how you can obtain this great training tool.

Any questions can be directed to