Initial Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Critical Incidents, and Human Rights Training

Training Overview:
The Department of Developmental Services, Initial Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Critical Incidents, and Human Rights training is a set of seven learning modules that will train staff on identifying and detecting different types of abuse and neglect, understanding what a critical incident is, and how to report both abuse and neglect and critical incidents.  This training will also review human rights, The Charting Life Course Framework for a trajectory of a good life. This initial training will also educate staff on positive behavior supports, person-centered approach, and respectful language.   

Training Quiz and Attestation Form Information:
DDS employees should contact to be assigned this training in Saba, or for additional training information.  Private provider employee’s that are completing this training should contact a training representative at their agency for quiz and attestation form information to reflect completion of this training internally at their agency.

Training Guidelines:
This training is intended for all new DDS employees or employees of a DDS qualified provider.  Upon completion of the initial Abuse and Neglect Prevention training, the annual training requirement, every year thereafter, can be met by completing the Recertification Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Critical Incidents, and Human Rights Training

Module 1 Link to YouTube

Module 2 Link to YouTube

Module 3 Link to YouTube

Module 4 Link to YouTube

Module 5 Link to YouTube

Module 6 Link to YouTube

Module 7 Link to YouTube
