About Educational Support & Staff Development Services

Educational Support & Staff Development Services provides leadership, coordination, and oversight of a wide array of organizational and personnel development goals and initiatives for public and private agency employees as well as individuals and families receiving support. Educational Support & Staff Development Services coordinates with offices in each of the department’s three regions to ensure consistency and coordination of statewide training goals and activities. This includes training required by legislation, federal and state regulation, department policy or contract, and union mandates. Training and development activities may also be associated with department’s strategic direction and business plan.

Educational Support Vision Statement
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides educational support services to ensure that constituents have the knowledge, skills and abilities to competently and effectively provide services to people and manage critical operations.
Educational support services include curriculum development and evaluation, direct delivery of training, development of educational resource materials; trainer development and support; monitoring and analyzing individual and system performance data and developing training recommendations to improve employee performance and critical operations; maintaining data systems to document educational support activities.
Constituents include public sector employees; private provider employees and other qualified vendors; and individuals, families and their employees, community medical and legal professionals and emergency responders.
Educational support services are provided through live and video classroom experience; e-learning programs; workshop and conference presentations; train-the-trainer programs; onsite coaching and mentoring; and distribution of educational resource materials.  Service-delivery resources include DDS educational support employees and adjunct trainers, other state and national agencies content experts and contracted vendors including institutions of higher learning.
