Construction, Renovation, and Life Safety
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Apply for boiler, elevator, and escalator inspections and certifications
In addition to the State Building Code, the Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) is responsible for the regulation of: elevators, escalators, etc. and boilers and hot water heaters.
Building and Fire Code Adoption Process
The State Building Inspector, State Fire Marshal and the Codes and Standards Committee announced on December 29, 2016 intent to adopt the 2018 State Building and Fire Safety Codes based on the 2015 editions of the International Code Council (ICC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) documents.
Building and Fire Code Modifications, Exemptions and Waivers
The Office of the State Building Inspector and the Office of the State Fire Marshal review requests for modifications to the State Building Code and State Fire Safety Code, as well as the codes and regulations that apply to elevators and boilers etc.
Established pursuant to section 29-251-7b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Code Amendment Subcommittee (a subcommittee of the Codes and Standards Committee) works with staff from the Offices of the State Building Inspector and State Fire Marshal to develop State Building and Fire Safety Codes.
Pursuant to the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes § 29-252, the State Building Inspector and the Codes and Standards Committee (CAS) are responsible for adoption of a State Building Code based on a nationally recognized model building code.
Connecticut State Building Code
The State Building Code (SBC) applies to most buildings and some other structures, being newly constructed new, being altered or added to, or undergoing a change of use.
Office of State Building Inspector - Publications and Forms
Find a Listing of Publications and Forms for the Office of State Building Inspector
Connecticut’s State Fire Marshal's is within the Department of Administrative Services. OSFM is responsible for promulgating and enforcing codes, standards and regulations to reduce the harm associated with fires, explosions, and mechanical failures.
Office of State Fire Marshal - Publications and Forms
Find a Listing of Publications and Forms for the Office of State Fire Marshal
Office of the State Building Inspector
The Office of the State Building Inspector establishes and administers the: Connecticut State Building Code, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, and Safety Code for Boilers and Hot Water Heaters.
State Building Code - Accessibility Code Interpretations
Index of Accessibility Code Interpretations by the State Building Inspector from 1999 to Present.
State Building Code - BOCA National Building Code Interpretations
Index of BOCA National Building Code Interpretations by the State Building Inspector from 1999 to Present.
State Building Code - CABO 1 & 2 Family Code Interpretations
Index of CABO 1 & 2 Family Code Interpretations by the State Building Inspector from 1999 to Present.
State Building Code - Electrical Code Interpretations
Index of Electrical Code Interpretations by the State Building Inspector from 1999 to Present.
State Building Code - Energy Code (Model Energy Code) Interpretations
Index of Energy Code (Model Energy Code) Interpretations by the State Building Inspector from 1999 to Present.