Surplus Vehicles - Municipality Procedures to Surplus

How To

Use the State Surplus Program to Dispose of Municipal Vehicles: As a municipality, you have the option of using State of Connecticut’s auction contract, 22PSX0014 for your surplus municipal vehicles.

To Get Started:

As a general guideline, here are some suggestions:

  • Email Kristin Wright the vehicle information (or specific vehicle surplus form).  It will be entered in the vendor data system and a manifest will be sent.  
  • Have the tow truck driver sign this manifest at pickup and keep a copy for your records.
  • Sign the Certificate of Origin/Title as the seller.  Leave the mileage and the buyer/sold to areas blank on this form.
  • Make a copy of the vehicle information form for the tow company and give that copy to them when they pick up the vehicle and keys.
  • Each municipality will determine how the originals are handled, whether also given to the tow truck driver, mailed to Corona’s Auto Parts, or hand-delivered.