School Construction State Reimbursement Percentages


DAS calculates reimbursement rates annually for school construction grants based on a statutory formula (See C.G.S. 10-285a). The reimbursement rate determines the maximum School Construction grant amount as a percentage of the total eligible costs of a school construction project. The formula starts from the adjusted equalized net grand list per capita (AENGLC) as a measure of wealth, as published by the State Department of Education.

Reimbursement rates are applied by ranking all municipalities and districts based on an average of three years of the AENGLC and then applying reimbursement rates on a straight-line, continuous scale. Rates for regional districts, regional education service centers (RESCs), and endowed schools are calculated under statute from an amalgam of the data about their participating municipalities.

Updated forms:
The new Fiscal Year 2025 Reimbursement Rates
An Interactive Excel Spreadsheet to calculate rates

Project Type
Two different rates are calculated for each Local Education Agency (school district, known as “LEA”) that is eligible under the School Construction Grant program.

General Construction
Reimbursement rates are between 20% and 80%. Types of projects include:
  • Renovations (priority)
  • Extensions (priority)
  • Major alterations of an existing school building (priority)
  • Code violations (nonpriority)
  • Roof replacements (nonpriority)
  • New construction or replacement of a school building when a town or regional school district can            demonstrate that new construction or replacement is less expensive than a renovation, extension,          or major alteration of an existing school building (priority)
  • HVAC

    New Construction
    Reimbursement rates are between 10% and 70%.

    Types of projects include:

  • New construction (priority)
  • Replacement of a school building (priority)

    Applicable Year
    For the non-priority and priority projects(s)*- the reimbursement rate will be the rate in effect for the fiscal year during which local funding authorization is secured. For example, if a district applies for a grant on July 3, 2023, but the local funds were secured on April 20th, 2023, then the FY 2023 rate is assigned to the project.

    For HVAC projects- the reimbursement rate will be the rate in effect for the fiscal year during which the application (in CORE-CT) with the State of Connecticut DAS Grants Administration was made (Reg § 10-287c-17(f)). For example, if a district applies for a grant on July 3, 2023, then the FY 2024 rate is assigned to the project.

    *Exceptions may apply.