Administrative Resources
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Training - Diversity - Mandated - DAS Official Memoranda 06-005 - August 2006
Outlines mandated diversity training required by the CT General Statutes
Transfer List Statewide Request Form - CT-HR-5
Form used by an individual to request placement on a statewide transfer list; does not apply to clerical or healthcare non-professional unions or unclassified
Travel - Decrease in GSA Mileage Reimbursement Rate - Comptroller Memoranda 2017-01 January 2017
Change to mileage reimbursement rate
Travel - Employee Voucher Form - OSC Form CO-17XP-A - Revised January 2004
Form used in conjunction with the OSC Form CO-17XP-PR employee voucher
Employee numbers will be used instead of social security numbers due to identify theft on state employee reimbursement forms
Travel Authorization Request Form - OSC Form CO-112
Form used by an employee to request travel expense reimbursement from his/her agency
Travel Procedures - Clarification - Phase 1 - Comptroller Memorandum No. 98-27a - July 1998
Correction to rail travel & change in parking permit procedure
Travel Procedures - Revision - Phase 1 - Comptroller Memorandum No. 98-27 - June 1998
Changes to travel procedure process
Travel Reimbursement Reference Chart
Provides travel reimbursements by labor unit
Current union contracts (collective bargaining agreements) for 14 of the State employee bargaining units in the executive branch.
Checklist for agency human resources office to complete annually to ensure compliance with the Violence in the Workplace Policy and Procedure