DAS Construction Services - A Summary of Resources


The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Construction Services (CS) is the state’s primary department for State Building Construction Projects (otherwise known as "Capital Building Construction Projects") requested by Connecticut Executive and Judicial Branch State Agencies (Form 9100).  


LEGISLATIVE CHANGE: Effective October 1, 2023

  • Contractors bidding on a contract for work for the state or a municipality that is estimated to cost more than $1,000,000 and is funded, in whole or in part, by state funds must be prequalified. Effective October 1, 4a-100 of the general statutes is increasing the requirement for prequalification for projects from $500,000 to $1,000,000.
  • Responses to solicitations over $500,000 but under $1,000,000 will not require DAS Prequalification however the solicitation will require the bidder to provide specific information including but not limited to business organization information, legal administrative procedures, qualification status, and workforce development initiatives.
  • See specific details: Prequalification Program - DAS Legislative Change October-1-2023

DAS/CS provides the following resources for Capital Building Construction Projects:

DAS/CS State Agency Capital Project Initiation Request


DAS/CS Online Library:

Publications and Forms 


DAS/CS Technical Services Unit:

DAS Construction Services - Summary of Environmental and Energy Services

DAS Construction Services - Summary of Hazardous Materials Inspection and Abatement Services


DAS/CS Invitations to Bid and RFQs:

CTsource (State Contracting Portal)

DAS Construction Services - RFQs for Architects and Engineers

DAS Construction Services - RFQs for Construction Administrators

DAS Construction Services - RFQs for Construction Manager at Risk Services

DAS Construction Services - RFQs for On-Call Consultants

DAS Construction Services - Opportunities for MBE Firms


Related Resources:

Trade Labor Services Contract

State Police Firearms Relocation Project

Office of the Governor

Connecticut General Assembly

Office of Policy and Management (OPM)

State Bond Commission

State Contracting Portal

Office of State Ethics (OSE) website

DAS Prequalification Certificate and Update Statement

DAS Supplier Diversity (Set-Aside) Certificate

CT Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) Major Contractor's License