2021 Construction Advisories
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Milling and Resurfacing Project on Route 32 in Windham
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a milling and resurfacing project will be performed on Route 32 in Windham.
Route 15 Interchange 62 Northbound Improvements in North Haven and Hamden
The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (Department) Office of Engineering is developing plans to revise the geometry of the Route 15 Interchange 62 northbound on and off-ramps and provide adequate acceleration and deceleration lanes in the Towns of North Haven and Hamden.
Thin Surface Pavement Treatment on Route 4 in Sharon
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a thin surface pavement treatment project will occur on Route 4 in Sharon from Old Sharon Road No. 1 to Route 7. Work is scheduled to occur on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, through Friday, September 24, 2021.
Bridge Maintenance Activity on Route 2A in Montville
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a bridge maintenance activities will be performed on Route 2A in Montville.
Guiderail Upgrade Project on Route 34 in Seymour and Derby
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a guiderail upgrade project will be performed on Route 34 in Seymour and Derby.
Guiderail upgrades on Route 9 northbound in Berlin
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a guiderail upgrade project will be performed on Route 9 northbound in Berlin.
Highway Illumination Repair in Danbury on I-84
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a highway illumination repair project will be performed on I-84 in Danbury.
Scheduled Closure of One Lane on Route 5/15 Northbound Approaching the Charter Oak Bridge
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the scheduled closure of one lane on Route 5/15 northbound approaching the Charter Oak Bridge, beginning September 9, 2021.
Scheduled Closure of One Lane on Route 5/15 Northbound Approaching the Charter Oak Bridge
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the scheduled closure of one lane on Route 5/15 northbound approaching the Charter Oak Bridge, beginning September 9, 2021.
Milling and Resurfacing Project on Route 140 in Windsor Locks
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a milling and resurfacing project will be performed on Route 140 from Route 75 (Ella T. Grasso Tpke) to Route 159 (South Main Street) in Windsor Locks.
Rehabilitation of Bridge 06706 Carrying I-395 over Brook in Thompson
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the start of construction activities for the rehabilitation of Bridge 06706 carrying I-395 over a brook in Thompson.
Scheduled Reopening of the I-84 Westbound Exit 40 On-Ramp at Ridgewood Road in West Hartford on September 10, 2021
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the reopening of Exit 40 I-84 westbound on-ramp on or before September 10, 2021 (weather permitting). The ramp was originally scheduled to reopen on or before October 4, 2021. The closure and detour were necessary to facilitate construction/safety improvements to the I-84 westbound bridge over Ridgewood Road.
Replacement of Bridge 01547 Carrying Route 207 over Beaver Brook in Franklin
The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (Department) Office of Engineering is developing plans to replace Bridge 01547 in Franklin.
Route 146 Seawall Replacement Project in Branford
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the start of construction for the seawall replacement project on Route 146 (Limewood Avenue between Sybil Avenue and Crouch Road) in Branford, on September 9, 2021.
Scheduled Surveying Activity on Route 15 in Stratford
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a surveying operation will be performed on Route 15 northbound and southbound at Exit 53 in Stratford. The activity is scheduled to occur on Saturday, September 11, and Saturday, September 18, 2021.