Procedure No. Issue Date:   April 2006
Subject:   Family Respite Center Pre-admission Effective Date:   Upon Release
Section:   Individual and Family Support

  1. Purpose

To establish a standardized process for pre-admission to the Family Respite Centers.
  • Applicability

  • This procedure applies to all individuals who use the Family Respite Centers.
    This procedure shall apply to all individual and family support and public services staff responsible for preadmission or operations of the Family Respite Centers.
  • Definitions

  • Family Respite Center - homes or residential units operated by DMR which provide planned,
    temporary supports to individuals who reside with their families, community training home providers or DCF foster families and who are eligible to receive services from DMR.

    Respite Guest - the individual who receives supports at a Family Respite Center.

    Travel Packet - information which accompanies each individual when they are away from the Family Respite Center. Packet includes: Guest Profile, Physician's Orders, Emergency and
    Authorization Form, and Respite Center Permissions Form.
  • Implementation

  • To facilitate the admission, the Family Respite Center staff shall ensure the following steps are completed prior to each guest's arrival:
    1. Family Respite Center staff will review the new respite guest list and the Guest Profile form on each individual.
    2. The supervisor of the respite unit/home or nurse will call the family to:
      1. Confirm the visit of the respite guest.
      2. Complete the Pre-admission Health Checklist with the respite guest, family member or guardian.
    3. The nurse will assure the Physician's Orders are current. Physician's Orders need to be updated:

      1. Annually if there are no medications ordered
      2. Semi-annually (every 6 months) if routine or PRN medications are ordered.
      3. Every 3 months if psychotropic medications are ordered.
    4. Family Respite Center staff will compile Travel Packets for each anticipated respite guest.
    5. Family Respite Center staff will review the collective leisure preferences of the respite guests in determining activities for the group.
    6. Family Respite Center staff will ensure that respite guest rooms are designated, and rooms are clean, comfortable, and welcoming.
    7. Family Respite Center staff will ensure that menus are established based on dietary needs and preferences, and the Family Respite Center is stocked with food and supplies.
  • References
    1. Guest Profile
    2. Emergency and Authorization Form
    3. Physician’s Orders
    4. Respite Center Permissions Form
    5. Leisure Interest Survey
    6. Pre-admission Health Checklist