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Employee Handbook

As an intricate part of its Mission, the Department of Developmental Services is actively engaged in a comprehensive affirmative action and equal opportunity program.  This program provides guidance, support and monitoring to ensure all stakeholders and clients with fair participation in employment, programs and services.  The program reviews and monitors employment practices and actions including, but is not limited to, recruitment, job application process, examination and testing, hiring, training, disciplinary actions, rate of pay or other compensation, advancement, classification, transfer, reassignment and promotions.  The DDS acknowledges its responsibility in accordance with State Law (Section 46a-71 of the Connecticut General Statutes), to affirmatively provide programs and services in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.
The Department fully supports all state, federal and constitutional mandates concerning affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, the Equal Pay Act, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1973, Governors' Executive Orders and the relevant sections of the state statutes.
The DDS’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office is charged with ensuring that the principles of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities are undertaken with vigor, conviction and ‘good faith’ to overcome the residual effects of past practices, policies and/or barriers.  The EEO Office directly reports to and is under the authority of the DDS Commissioner.  The Office conducts and/or participates in complaints of internal discrimination, renders findings and is involved in a variety of resolution activities.  This Office develops, implements and monitors affirmative action goals and objectives.  This Office monitors compliance with State and Federal affirmative action/equal employment opportunity laws.  The Office provides training and consults with managers and administrators on affirmative action matters.
Any DDS employee who feels s/he has been discriminated against or has otherwise been deprived of his or her human rights protections, may file an internal grievance through the DDS’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office by contacting one of the persons listed below.  The mailing address in all cases is DDS Central Office, Equal Employment Opportunity Office, 460 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. Contact names, telephone numbers and email addresses are:
The Equal Employment Opportunity staff annually develops the Commissioner’s Affirmative Action Plan in an effort to eliminate discrimination against individuals in a protected class in all aspects of employment.  The DDS staff is invited to review and comment on the DDS Affirmative Action Plan.
If you would like to access the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities web site for general information, frequently asked questions, or how to file a complaint, you may do so at
Sexual Harassment is a form of gender-based discrimination that is prohibited by Federal and State Law (Section 46a-60 of the Conn. General Statutes). Additionally Commissioner Scheff has issued a Policy Statement warning that sexual harassment in the workplace will not be tolerated. The legal definition of sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual conduct when such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Any DDS employee who feels he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment should immediately notify their supervisor and contact one of the above listed Equal Opportunity Employment Staff.
The Americans with Disabilities Act imposes broad, far-reaching mandates on employers and entities serving the public.  Particular emphasis is placed on non-discrimination in employment and access to places of public access including physical accessibility to opportunity and services.  For more information you can access the US Department of Justice ADA home page at
For ADA processes specific to DDS, please access the DDS ADA Reasonable Accommodation Procedure