Meetings and Agendas Homepage

April 1 2024 - Via Conference Call

04/01/2024 09:30 AM
Room: Call In Instruction - Dial 860-840-2075 and use Conference ID 917724280#

How do I attend a Meeting?

Pursuant to CGS §1-225a, the SPRB conducts its Regular Meetings solely by means of electronic equipment. These Regular Meetings are open to the public.  The Board members and its staff, staff of the public agencies, and the member
s of the public who wishes to attend the Board meeting can attend the meeting via conference call.  You can dial 860-840-2075 and use Conference ID 917724280#. If you have any questions or need assistance to attend these Meetings, or for some reason the Call-In Numbers do not work, please contact SPRB Director Thomas Jerram, immediately, at to make appropriate arrangements.
