55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford
55 Farmington Avenue was constructed in 1990 by the Hartford Insurance Company. After being purchased by the State of Connecticut in 2013 and undergoing renovations, the building began accommodating tenants in 2014. The location of the building provides easy access for tenants and visitors due to its location to the business district and the State Capitol, and its’ close proximity to I-91 and I-84.
The building consists of twelve stories on top of a four-story parking garage. Across Farmington Avenue (#50) is a parking structure at grade with one tier above grade and five stories of parking below grade. The gross square footage of the office is approximately 287,000 square feet, and the tenants’ usable area is approximately 223,000 square feet.
City: Hartford
Current Owner of Property: State of Connecticut
Year Constructed: 1990
Number of Buildings: One
Property Type: Office Building
Department of Administrative Services Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (DAS BITS)
Department of Social Services (DSS)
Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS)
Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)
Office of the Chief Public Defenders (OCPD)
State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC)
The 55 Farmington parking garage is 4 levels under the office building with a parking capacity of approximately 293 spaces.
The Flower Street parking lot has a parking capacity of 56 spaces.
50 Farmington Avenue is a free-standing parking structure at grade with one tier above grade and five levels of parking below grade with a parking capacity of 525 spaces.
Building Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.