July 29, 2008
Governor Rell Launches Statewide ‘Care & Share’ Drive
 to Raise $100,000 in Cash for Food Banks
Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced she is launching a statewide “Governor’s Care & Share” fund-raising drive to generate a total of $100,000 in cash donations to the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare, the two largest anti-hunger programs in the state.
The Governor made her announcement at Master’s Manna, a Wallingford food pantry that serves nearly 700 families.
“The exorbitant costs of gasoline, coupled with enormous increases in the price of staple foods such as bread, meat, eggs and milk, have put an unbearable pressure on people all over Connecticut,” Governor Rell said. “Families that were already struggling are simply overwhelmed, and our most vulnerable residents need help more than ever.”
Governor Rell is dedicating $25,000 in state funds apiece to Connecticut Food Bank and Food Share to kick off the program with an initial $50,000. She is challenging state employees and Connecticut businesses to match those donations to raise $100,000 in cash by September 26.
“None of us are immune from these high prices – we have all been staggered when we pulled up to the pump or shopped for groceries. Many of us are fortunate enough to be able to grumble about the prices but pay them anyway. For others, however, these prices are creating very tough choices – buy food or make the car payment; fill up the car or fill a prescription.”
The Governor said the situation may be even worse this winter with record heating oil prices.
“It is at times like these, however that Connecticut residents are at their best,” Governor Rell said. “We need look no further than the outpouring of donations each and every Thanksgiving and Christmas in response to our annual appeal. But the need for such donations is now year round.”
The Governor said summer is an especially tough time for families with children who rely on school lunch and breakfast programs. Their needs are particularly great with schools in recess.
Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare estimate that a $5 donation can feed five adults for a day and a $10 donation can serve two seniors for five days.
“Together we can touch so many lives,” the Governor said. “I very much need everyone to do their part so we can reach our goal as soon as possible.”
The Governor launched the “Care & Share” drive with help from chambers of commerce from all over Connecticut, and with e-mails to all state employees. State workers will also receive inserts in their pay envelopes asking them to contribute to the fund-raising drive through an on-line contribution site at www.ct.gov/governorrell  that allows users to make “virtual” food purchases.
The goal is to raise cash, rather than food donations, because the food banks can use the money more efficiently to obtain and distribute food donated in bulk.
Contributions can also be made by mail. Checks for the Care & Share Challenge should be made payable to CT Food Bank or Foodshare and mailed to:
  • Care & Share, PO Box 120065, East Haven, CT 06512
Grocery stores will be encouraged to ask patrons to add $1 to their orders to contribute to their effort, while state agency Web sites will have links to the program on their home pages. The drive will also be highlighted on Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele’s cable TV show, “Open Mike.”
“Whatever we can do to help our neighbors, now is the time,” Governor Rell said.