2019 Data Policies

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Public Act No. 19-153: An Act Concerning Interagency Data Sharing. This act requires the Chief Data Officer, in consultation with the Attorney General and executive branch agency legal counsel, to submit a report on the legal issues surrounding interagency data sharing. The first report was submitted on January 15, 2020 and will submitted to the Connecticut Data Analysis and Technology Advisory (DATA) Board on an annual basis going forward. The report makes two primary recommendations to facilitate the sharing of data across government agencies: to establish a statewide coordinated governance structure, and to develop flexible, durable legal agreements. The recommendations are consistent with the focus in Connecticut on taking a data-driven approach to pressing policy challenges, particularly those that can only be addressed across institutional boundaries.


Public Act No. 19-78: An Act Concerning a Two-Generational Initiative. OPM is implementing a 2Gen Interagency Plan that uses a whole family approach to government services. A component of the act requires the development of an interagency data-sharing protocol. Current data linking and data matching projects will inform the infrastructure needed for secure data sharing. By July 1, 2020, the attorney general’s office is required to develop a uniform interagency data sharing protocol to remove legal barriers to sharing data.

Data Policies