GIS Advisory Council

GIS Advisory Council

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Advisory Council consults with the Geographic Information Officer (GIO) to establish goals on matters relating to:

  • the coordination, procurement, processing, storage, and distribution of free and public GIS data
  • the powers and duties of the GIO and the GIS Office

The GIS Advisory Council also develops priorities and a five-year plan for the GIS Office, and makes recommendations to the GIO concerning such priorities and plans.

Statutory Information >


Scott Gaul
Chief Data Officer

Alfredo Herrera, CHAIR
Geographic Information Officer

Stuart DeLand
DEEP Representative

Elizabeth Congo
DOT Representative

Dan Czaja
DESPP Representative

Gary Archambault
DPH Representative

Erik Snowden
COG Representative

Mark Hoover
COG Representative

Tracy DeGrazia
Municipal Representative

John Guszkowski
Municipal Representative

Emily Wilson
UConn Representative

Peter Sampiere
Utility Company Representative
United Illuminating

Meghan McGaffin
Private Company Representative
SLR Consulting

Private Company Representative

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January 25, 2024              Minutes/Agenda/Recording
October 26, 2023 Agenda | Notes | RecordingPresentation | Strategic Plan

August 31, 2023  Agenda  |  Notes  |  Recording | Presentation
June 29, 2023 Agenda | Notes | Recording | Presentation

April 6, 2023 Agenda | Notes | Recording | Presentation

February 9, 2023 AgendaNotes | Recording | Presentation

October 27, 2022 Agenda | Notes | Recording | Presentation

August 25, 2022  Agenda  |  Notes  |  Recording | Presentation
June 28th, 2022 Agenda  |  Notes  |  Recording | Presentation
 March 31, 2022  Agenda  |  Notes  |  Recording | Presentation


All working groups are composed of members from state and local government, and industry representatives, to ensure a wide range of points of view are acknowledged and heard.

CAMA and Parcel WorkGroup 

Improving parcel and CAMA data and promoting the exchange of high-value datasets for all stakeholders in Connecticut.

Parcel Drafting Standards Workgroup 

Setting guidelines for the digitization of parcel boundaries from survey maps and improving parcel data quality statewide.

GIS Strategic Plan WorkGroup 

Developing a cohesive 5-year plan to guide the GIS Office on its mission to better coordinate spatial data across Connecticut.

Aerial Imagery Acquisition Workgroup 

Sharing experience and advice and identifying requirements and resources for data imagery and acquisition.

GIS Clearinghouse Workgroup 

Guiding our office in creating and maintaining the GIS Data Clearinghouse and integrating it with the CT Open Data Portal.


The 14-member GIS Advisory Council consists of the following members or their designees:

  • Geographic Information Officer
  • Chief Data Officer
  • One representative of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)
  • One representative of the Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • One representative of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP)
  • One representative of the Department of Public Health (DPH)
  • Two representatives of different regional councils of governments (COGs)
  • Two representatives of different municipal governments
  • One representative of the University of Connecticut (UConn)
  • One representative of a public utility company
  • Two representatives from different private companies, neither of which is a public utility company