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P20 WIN Data Governance

Our inter-agency data governance system provides a structure and process by which P20 WIN Participating Agencies work together to securely link and share data. A coordinated statewide data governance program is critical to fulfilling the demand for high-quality education, health, and workforce data.

Data governance includes establishing representative governing bodies that are responsible for developing and implementing data policies and processes. P20 WIN has two Boards – the Executive Board and the Data Governing Board. A Data Stewards Group was established to meet to review policies and data requests as needed. A Resident Advisory Board is in development.


Data governance includes policies, procedures, collection, storage, transfer, and use of data. It ensures data availability, usability, quality, and security.

Data governance establishes responsibility for data, organizing program area staff to improve data quality collaboratively and continuously through the systematic creation and enforcement of policies, roles, responsibilities, and procedures.

P20 WIN Policies and Processes:

Metadata Management Policy and Process
Data Security Policy and Process


P20 WIN is administered by the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) as the Operating Group, which provides program management to support the continued operation and improvement of P20 WIN as a resource for the participating agencies and the State.



The Data Integration Hub for P20 WIN is based at the Department of Labor, where all matching for approved requests takes place.


All Participating Agencies sign an Enterprise Memorandum of Understanding that includes a framework for multiple governing bodies.