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P20 WIN Executive Board

An inter-agency governance system provides a structure and process by which P20 WIN Participating Agencies work together to securely link and share data. All Participating Agencies sign an Enterprise Memorandum of Understanding that includes a framework for multiple governing bodies.

The Executive Board is composed of the executive leadership from each of the Participating Agencies. Responsibilities of members of the Executive Board include but are not limited to: developing and advancing the vision of P20 WIN, support policies that promote secure data sharing, promote equity in research and data sharing efforts, and identify and support the sustainability of the P20 WIN system. Executive Board members also identify and elevate priority issues from Participating Agencies to inform the Learning Agenda.

The Executive Board meets on a quarterly basis.

Executive Board bylaws can be found here.

P20 WIN Executive Board

Deidre S. Gifford, CHAIR
Executive Director
Office of Health Strategy

Dante Bartolomeo
CT Department of Labor

Easha Canada
Deputy Commissioner
CT Department of Social Services

Reka Wrynn
Associate Vice President, Budget Planning and Institutional Research
University of Connecticut

Beth Bye
CT Office of Early Childhood

Scott Gaul
Chief Data Officer
CT Office of Policy & Management

Aynsley Diamond
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
CT State Colleges & Universities

Sarah Fox
Chief Executive Officer
CT Coalition to End Homelessness

Timothy Larson
Executive Director
Office of Higher Education

Christopher McClure
Chief of Staff
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Charlene Russell-Tucker
CT State Department of Education

Kelli-Marie Vallieres
Chief Workforce Officer
Office of Workforce Strategy

Jennifer Widness
CT Conference of Independent Colleges

Michael Williams
Deputy Commissioner
Department of Children and Families

Ellen Solek
Executive Director
CT Technical Education and Career System

Gary Roberge
Executive Director
Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division

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P20 WIN Executive Board 2024 Meeting Calendar

 March 19, 2024  


 June 18, 2024 (rescheduled June 26, 2024)
  Agenda | Minutes | Slides | Recording
 September 17, 2024            
  Agenda | Minutes
 December 17, 2024   Agenda | Minutes

You can view past meetings and review materials in the meeting archive.