07/03/2024 BULLETIN PC-63-24 Exemption of Certain Commercial Lines Property and Casualty Policies From Form, Rate and Rule Filing Requirements (This Bulletin rescinds and replaces Bulletin PC-63-01, and Bulletin PC-71)
09/20/2023 BULLETIN PC-34-23 Notice of Intent to Discontinue Doing Business (This Bulletin rescinds and replaces Bulletin PC 34, dated December 20, 2000)
07/23/2021 BULLETIN PC-92 Update of Bulletin PC-85 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies (This bulletin is intended to supersede Bulletin PC-85 dated July 14, 2017)
05/11/2020 BULLETIN PC-91 Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019
01/03/2020 BULLETIN PC-90 Extended Warranty Contracts and Reimbursement Insurance Policies (Replacement of Bulletin PC-45-03 dated October 30, 2003 and Bulletin PC-84 dated June 16, 2017) 
07/23/2019 BULLETIN PC-89 Public Act 19-125 - An Act Concerning the Insurance Department's Recommended Changes to the Insurance Statutes, Insurance Plans Procured By the Comptroller and Retirement Plans (This Bulletin is intended to update Bulletin PC-83 dated January 13, 2017)
07/22/2019 BULLETIN PC-88 Cancellation and Non-renewal of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
10/16/2018 BULLETIN PC-87 Automobile and Motorcycle Insurance Identification Cards
08/01/2017 BULLETIN PC-86 Public Act No. 17-114 (the “Act”) increases the minimum amount of automobile insurance a person must maintain to register a private passenger motor vehicle.
07/14/2017 BULLETIN PC-85 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies—“Flex-Rate Filings” Under Public Act No. 17-121 (Superseded by Bulletin PC-92)
06/16/2017 BULLETIN PC-84 Filing Fee For Extended Warranty Contracts (Amendment to Bulletin PC-45-03 dated October 30, 2003)
01/13/2017 BULLETIN PC-83 Public Act No. 16-136 - Automobile and Homeowners Insurance Third Party Designation (This Bulletin rescinds and replaces Bulletin PC-51)
07/05/2016 BULLETIN PC-82 Connecticut Insurance Department Requirements for Submitting Property and Casualty Filings via the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing ("SERFF")
12/04/2015 BULLETIN PC-81 Price Optimization
11/12/2015 BULLETIN PC-80 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This Bulletin rescinds and replaces Bulletin PC-79)
07/08/2015 BULLETIN PC-79 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This Bulletin rescinded and replaced by Bulletin PC-80)
06/30/2015 BULLETIN PC-78 Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies "Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 15-185 (This bulletin supersedes Bulletin PC-74 dated 09/3/2013 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies -- "Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 13-167)
05/06/2015 BULLETIN PC-77 Winter Storms - Prohibition on Declination, Cancellation and Non-renewal Of Homeowners insurance Policies based solely as a result of Catastrophe(s)
02/05/2015 BULLETIN PC-76 Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015
03/17/2014 BULLETIN PC-75 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This bulletin supersedes Bulletins HC-42 dated 02/15/1990 and HC-44 dated 02/14/1991)
09/03/2013 BULLETIN PC-74 Update of Bulletin PC-67 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies -- "Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 13-167
07/23/2013 BULLETIN PC-73 Use of Deductibles For Workers' Compensation Insurance; Large Risk Alternative Rating Options
07/23/2013 BULLETIN PC-72 Procedures For Submitting Workers' Compensation Form, Rate and Rule Filings
10/15/2012 BULLETIN PC-71 Exemption of Certain Commercial Lines Property and Casualty Policy Forms, Rates and Rules (This Bulletin is rescinded and replaced by Bulletin PC 63-24)
08/02/2011 BULLETIN PC-70 Update of Insurance Department BULLETIN PC-67 Concerning the Sunset Date for Flex-Rate Filings
03/17/2011 BULLETIN PC-69 Summary of Consumer Protections Regarding the Use of Credit Required by Public Act 10-7
09/21/2010 BULLETIN PC-68 Personal Automobile Insurance Rate Filings
05/03/2010 BULLETIN PC-67 (Update of BULLETIN PC-61) Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies – “Flex-Rate Filings” Under Public Act No. 06-104, codified at §38a-688a. of the Connecticut General Statutes
12/21/2009 BULLETIN PC-66 Cancellation and Non-renewal Of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
Renewal Premium Billing Requirements For Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
12/21/2009 BULLETIN PC-65 Public Act 09-72 - Notification of Under-insured Motorist Conversion Coverage
08/07/2009 BULLETIN PC-42-09 Cancellation and Non-renewal of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies. Renewal Premium Billing Requirements for Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
05/01/2009 BULLETIN PC-63-01 Exemption of Certain Commercial Lines Property and Casualty Policy Forms, Rates and Rules (This Bulletin is rescinded and replaced by Bulletin PC 63-24)
02/14/2008 BULLETIN PC-64 Filing Procedures For Compliance With The Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Re-authorization Act of 2007
01/07/2008 BULLETIN PC-63 Commercial Rate and Form Filing Exemptions, Transmittal Form (This Bulletin is rescinded and replaced by Bulletin PC 63-01)
01/07/2008 BULLETIN PC-62 2008 Forms Filing Procedures
07/18/2006 BULLETIN PC-61 Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies—"Flex-Rating" Under Public Act No. 06-104
02/01/2006 BULLETIN PC-60 notice1 and notice2 - Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act of 2005
12/13/2005 BULLETIN PC-59 Clarification Regarding the Scope of "Prior Acts" Under Connecticut General Statutes Section 38a-394, as Amended by Public Act No. 05-103
09/23/2005 BULLETIN PC-58 Automobile Insurance Cancellation Warning Notice Requirement Change Pursuant to Public Act 05-282
09/02/2005 BULLETIN PC-57 Prior Rate Approval and Policyholder Notification Requirements Pursuant to Public Act 05-275
12/21/2004 BULLETIN PC-56 Uncertainty Related to Expiration of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 Exclusions Related to Acts of Terrorism
08/11/2004 BULLETIN PC-55 Terrorism Coverage in the Standard Fire Insurance Policy Pursuant to PUBLIC ACT No. 04-140
05/05/2004 BULLETIN PC-42-04 Cancellation and Non-renewal of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies. Renewal Premium Billing Requirements for Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
12/19/2003 BULLETIN PC-54 Report of Commercial Risk Insurance Writings and Experience Required by Conn. Gen. Stat. §38a-696
10/30/2003 BULLETIN PC-45-03 Extended Warranty Contracts. PUBLIC ACT No. 03-50 (An Act concerning the purchase of extended warranty contracts on motor vehicles>
12/06/2002 BULLETIN PC-52 Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
07/23/2002 BULLETIN PC-51 Automobile and Homeowners Insurance Senior Citizens Third Party Designation PUBLIC ACT No. 02-60 (This Bulletin rescinded and replaced by Bulletin PC-83)
01/03/2002 BULLETIN PC-50 Filing Procedures for Exclusions Related to Acts of Terrorism
10/25/2001 BULLETIN PC-49 Use of Deductibles for Workers' Compensation Insurance
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-47 Connecticut Insurance Information And Privacy Protection Act
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-46 Personal Lines Underwriting Guidelines
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-44 Certification Of Security By Individual Insurance Companies
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-43 Availability Of Insurance In Urban Areas And Coastline Neighborhood
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-41 Insurance Certificates For Van Pool Vehicles
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-40 Territorial Rating System - 1978 Decision
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-39 Automobile Insurance Statistical Data Monitoring System
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-38 Update And Superseding Of Insurance Department Property And Casualty Insurance Bulletins
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-37 Automobile and Motorcycle Insurance Identification Cards
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-36 Automobile Insurance Rate making Procedures
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-35 (Obsolete/Withdrawn) Commercial Risk Rate and Rule Filings Procedures
12/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-34 Notice of Intent to Discontinue Doing Business (Superseded by Bulletin 34-23)
02/20/2000 BULLETIN PC-48 Minimum Provisions For Automobile Liability Insurance Policies Covering Motor Vehicles
01/01/2000 BULLETIN PC-33 Homeowners Insurance Wind and Hurricane Deductibles
01/15/1997 BULLETIN PC-32 An Act Authorizing the Issuance of a Motor Vehicle Learner's Permit for Drivers Sixteen and Seventeen Years of Age
02/15/1990 BULLETIN PC-7 Catastrophic Stop Loss Coverage aka Excess Reimbursement Policies or Excess Coverage Policies