Form and Rate Filing

The Department utilizes the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF) in the review of insurance filings. SERFF offers access to the public to view non-confidential filings. To access and review an insurance filing, use the link above and follow the included instructions.
SERFF Form Filing  

Filing and Financial Requirements

Find information about rates, and rule filing requirements and procedures.

Filing and Financial Requirements 

Explore helpful links and information offered by the Financial Regulation Division.

Retaliatory Statement 

View Connecticut’s most recent retaliatory statement information.

All Forms & Applications 

Browse helpful forms and applications.

Company Appointments

Biennial Renewal Appointment Information 

Appointments occur every even numbered year.

Company Appointment Fee 

Effective January 11, 2019 NIPR began to collect appointment fees on behalf of the State of Connecticut.

Company Appointment Lists 

In accordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, you may view all companies appointed to sell insurance policies in the state.