Mental health

Behavioral Health and Substance Use Resources

An individual sitting on the floor in their home

Mental health services

More than half of Americans will have a mental health diagnosis in their lifetime. 1 in 25 Americans live with a severe mental illness. Mental health issues may include:
  • bipolar disorder
  • major depressive disorder
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • depression
    You're not alone if you or your family member are facing mental health or substance abuse issues. We're here to help you choose the right services through your health insurance plan. Explore this page to find information and resources for behavioral health and substance use services.

    Serious Mental Illness | University of Connecticut Health Leaders (UCHL)
  • View the behavioral health consumer tool kit 

    Learn how to navigate behavioral health and substance abuse care through your health insurance plan.

    Helpful tips

    Know your insurance plan

    Find out what’s covered and how to get the care you need from your health plan.

    Make informed decisions.

    What you need to know about mental health coverage.

    Research first

    Contact your insurer and learn about in-network providers.

    Seek “medical necessity” approval.

    Except in an emergency, your health plan may require information from your doctor about the services you need.

    Determine your out-of-pocket expenses.

    Learn about costs for in-network and out-of-network providers and care.

    Fast facts about mental health parity laws


    As of January 1, 2000, Connecticut law requires that all health insurance policies cover mental health benefits. This law applies to individual and group health insurance policies, including hospital, medical-surgical, primary medical, and HMO coverage for mental health benefits.


    Large group plans must follow the mental health parity requirements as mandated by the federal Mental Health Parity and Addition Equity Act (MHPAEA). The MHPAEA was enacted in 2008.


    On March 23, 2010, the federal Affordable Care Act was enacted. It requires all individual and small group plans beginning January 1, 2014, to cover mental health benefits. This act is already in effect under Connecticut state law. It extends federal mental health equality protection to all health plans.

    Contact information

    The Connecticut Insurance Department is here for you.

    Contact the department if your insurance company isn’t answering your questions or paying your claims. If you have questions, please contact our Consumer Affairs Unit at:

    Qualified clinical review vendors

    Qualified Clinical Review Vendors
    The following vendors have been approved as Qualified Vendors for behavioral health utilization review criteria by the Connecticut Insurance Department pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 38a-591(c)
  • Optum, Inc. (formerly Change Healthcare)
  • MCG Health, LLC

  • For guidance regarding Vendor Qualifiction Requirements, please review CID Bulletin HC-105: Behavioral Health Statutory Clinical Review Criteria Requirements
    See what you will need from your vendor  