Formal Opinions
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2017-07 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion about certain legal questions pertaining to a proposed police training facility in the Town of Griswold. Specifically, you ask (1) whether the requirements under Chapter 297a of the General Statutes relating to priority funding areas apply to the proposed training facility; (2) whether the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has satisfied the requirement of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 16a-35e that state agencies cooperate with municipalities to ensure programs and activities in rural areas sustain village character; and (3) whether the proposed training facility requires the approval of the State Properties Review Board as part of the State Facility Plan.
2017-08 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion on questions about the Governor's authority to direct the expenditure of funds by executive order in the absence of legislatively enacted appropriations.
2017-09 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Formal opinion concerning two matters identified in the State of Connecticut Auditors' Report, Military Department, for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2013 ("Auditors' Report"). First, you have asked whether the requirements under Connecticut General Statutes § 4-37e et seq. pertaining to foundations established for the principal purpose of supporting or improving state agencies or for coordinated emergency recovery purposes apply to the Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc. (CNGFI). Second, you have asked whether the authority of the Governor of the State of Connecticut pursuant to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes §§ 27-9 and 27-10, as delegated to and administered by the Connecticut Miiitary Depmtment (CTMD), is restricted to ordering members of the Connecticut State Guard to active service under the "State Active Duty" (SAD) program only for "emergency situations" as suggested by the Auditors' Report.
You have asked several questions about the propriety of a possible transaction between the Department of Public Works ("DPW") and the Eastern Connecticut State University Foundation, Inc. ("Foundation") whereby the DPW would agree via a lease/purchase agreement to purchase the "Foster building" in Willimantic, Connecticut, which was donated by the Foster family to the Foundation on or about December 15, 2000.
2016-01 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
about the responsibility of local school districts to provide and pay for residential services when such residential services are necessary for a developmentally delayed, school aged student to receive an appropriate education if the student is receiving services from the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services ("DDS")
2016-02 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Records associated with a conviction for which a conditional pardon has been granted are not subject to erasure under state law.
2016-03 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
What is the impact legislation authorizing daily fantasy sports contests may have on the State's current revenue-sharing arrangements with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation ("MPTN") and the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut (the "Mohegan Tribe," together with MPTN, the "Tribes"). Although there is a high degree of uncertainty, there is a substantial risk that the passage of such legislation could jeopardize the State's revenue-sharing arrangements with the Tribes.
2015-01 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Does the language in a proposed draft deed between the City of New Britain and a private developer satisfy the City's statutory obligation to use the parcel for the specified purposes and does it extinguish the reverter contained in the 2013 deed. The Attorney General concludes that the language and conditions contained in the proposed deed accomplishes both purposes, provided the deed is executed prior to October 7. 2015.
2015-02 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Questions to the State Marshal Commission concerning laws and regulations regarding the categories of Fees/Service, E-Filing and Lis Pendens.
2015-03 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
A local board of education is statutorily authorized to "reemploy" a retired teacher currently receiving a retirement benefit from the Teachers' Retirement System, but the retired teacher may receive "no more than forty-five per cent of the maximum salary level for the assigned position."
Martin R. Libbin, Judicial Branch, Formal Opinion 2012-006, Attorney General State of Connecticut
An opinion on whether a city sheriff is a proper officer for service of support enforcement capias.
2015-04 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion regarding whether the State Teachers' Retirement Board ("STRB") has the statutory authority to rescind credit for a member in the teachers' retirement system ("System")
2015-05 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion regarding whether the State Teachers' Retirement Board ("STRB") has the statutory authority to rescind credit for a member in the teachers' retirement system ("System")
2015-06 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion about the responsibilities of the Executive Administrator of the Office of Governmental Accountability (OGA) with regard to labor relations. In particular, you ask who - the Executive Administrator or the head of the individual agencies - has authority to respond to labor grievances.
Formal Opinion 2014-001, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
The State Victim Advocate seeks advice regarding the authority of the Department of Correction to grant supervised release, and the Board of Pardons & Paroles to grant parole release to inmates whose convictions include a mandatory minimum sentence of incarceration, prior to the completion of the minimum mandatory sentence in a penal institution.