2015 Formal Opinions
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2015-04 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion regarding whether the State Teachers' Retirement Board ("STRB") has the statutory authority to rescind credit for a member in the teachers' retirement system ("System")
2015-05 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion regarding whether the State Teachers' Retirement Board ("STRB") has the statutory authority to rescind credit for a member in the teachers' retirement system ("System")
2015-06 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
An opinion about the responsibilities of the Executive Administrator of the Office of Governmental Accountability (OGA) with regard to labor relations. In particular, you ask who - the Executive Administrator or the head of the individual agencies - has authority to respond to labor grievances.
2015-01 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Does the language in a proposed draft deed between the City of New Britain and a private developer satisfy the City's statutory obligation to use the parcel for the specified purposes and does it extinguish the reverter contained in the 2013 deed. The Attorney General concludes that the language and conditions contained in the proposed deed accomplishes both purposes, provided the deed is executed prior to October 7. 2015.
2015-02 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Questions to the State Marshal Commission concerning laws and regulations regarding the categories of Fees/Service, E-Filing and Lis Pendens.
2015-03 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
A local board of education is statutorily authorized to "reemploy" a retired teacher currently receiving a retirement benefit from the Teachers' Retirement System, but the retired teacher may receive "no more than forty-five per cent of the maximum salary level for the assigned position."