The Workbox is a module where you can review and manage all pages currently in workflows and the workflow states they are in. From here, you can:
Workbox Overview
- Log into Sitecore.
- Select the Workbox
icon from the Sitecore Platform.
- Select your Agency Workflows from the Workflows box (see screenshot below). Select one or more of your Agency workflows to see the workflow states (Draft and Awaiting Approval) and the pages under each state.
- Scroll down to the 'Awaiting Approval' to see all pages requiring Approval/Rejection.
- As a Content Author, you will see all your pages in the Draft section.
- As a Content Approver, you will see your pages in Draft section and any pages in the Awaiting Approval section.
- As a System Administrator, you will see ALL pages in Draft section and any pages in the Awaiting Approval section.
- Preview - Opens a preview of the draft page awaiting approval in the Experience Editor in a new browser window.
- Open - Opens the page in the Content Editor.
- To edit the page in the Experience Editor, select the Publish tab on the Ribbon and click on the Experience Editor icon.
- To edit the page in the Experience Editor, select the Publish tab on the Ribbon and click on the Experience Editor icon.
- Diff - Compares the differences between two versions of the same page.
- In the Compare Versions dialog box, select the two versions that you want to compare and whether to compare them in one field or side by side in two columns.
- Approve - Moves the page state to Approved and publishes the page.
- Reject - Moves the page state back to Draft and reassigns it to the Content Author.
Approve/Reject a Single Page
- Scroll to the page title you wish to approve/reject.
- Select the Preview link to preview the page in the Experience Editor.
- Edit the page if you want to make any changes. The page must be checked in to edit it.
- Select the Approve or Reject link.
- Enter a comment and select OK.
- This comment will be emailed to the Content Author who submitted the page.
- This comment will be emailed to the Content Author who submitted the page.
The page is now Approved or Rejected, depending upon what you selected.
- Approved - The page is published and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Approved and any comments you entered.
- Rejected - The page is moved back to the 'Draft' state and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Rejected and any comments you entered.
Approve/Reject Multiple Pages
- Select the checkbox next to the page titles you wish to approve/reject.
- Select the Approve (selected) button or the Reject (selected) button to reject the pages.
NOTE: You will not be able to enter a comment when approving/rejecting multiple pages, so for those pages you need to enter a comment, select it individually.
The pages are now Approved or Rejected, depending upon what you selected.
- Approved - The page is published and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Approved and any comments you entered.
- Rejected - The page is moved back to the 'Draft' state and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Rejected and any comments you entered.
Approve/Reject All Pages
- Select the Approve (All) button to approve and publish all the pages or the Reject (All) button to reject all the pages.
NOTE: You will not be able to enter a comment when approving/rejecting multiple pages, so for those pages you need to enter a comment, select it individually.
The pages are now Approved or Rejected, depending upon what you selected.
- Approved - The page is published and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Approved and any comments you entered.
- Rejected - The page is moved back to the 'Draft' state and is removed from the 'Awaiting Approval' list. Content Author is emailed that it was Rejected and any comments you entered.