CTDOT resources, projects, and studies

People walking on road

CTDOT resources

Have you encountered an issue on a state highway or would like to learn about CTDOT projects or transportation options? Below you can find:

Report roads and highways issues

Report an issue 

Have you experienced problems or issues while traveling on CT roads or highways ? (potholes, animal remains, malfunctioning traffic lights etc).

Submit a vehicle damage claim 

If your vehicle has been damaged by a state road pothole, a plow truck or something else our organization handle, please submit a damage claim here.

Projects and Title VI

Major construction projects 

Find a list of major DOT projects including start and projected end dates, phase, and more.

How title VI is applied at the DOT 

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance.