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Permitting Overview: Air Emissions

Clean Air Interstate Rule

  • CAIR Permit

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months for new. 3 months for revision.

    Type of Permit: Individual

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New Source

  • Minor Modification Application for an Existing New Source Review Permit

    Fees: $3,250 for major emitting equipment or $1,750 for less than major emitting equipment (includes $940 application fee).

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • New Source Review Permit

    Fees: Beginning at $3,250 for new minor sources (includes $940.00 application fee)

    Public Notice: Initial notice of application  - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months for new minor source / 12 months for new major source

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Revision Application for an Existing New Source Review Permit

    Fees: $1,750 (includes $940.00 application fee)

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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Other Air Requirements

Permit by Rule

  • Auto Body, Boilers, Combined Heat & Power, Distributed Generators, Emergency Engines, Rock Crushers, Solvent Degreasing, Surface Coating, Limit Potential to Emit - limitations on premises-wide actual emissions below a Title V source

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: Notification only. No wait.

    Type of Permit: Permit By Rule

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Title V and IV


Permitting Overview: Radiation

  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray Devices

    Fees: $190/X-Ray device-biennial year

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: Immediate

    Type of Permit: Individual; ezFile

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  • Radioactive Materials and Industrial X-Ray Device Program

    Fees: $200 annual

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: Immediate   

    Type of Permit: Individual; ezFile

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Hazardous Waste

  • CGS section 22a-454 Waste Facility


    Treatment of waste oil, petroleum or chemical liquids

    Storage or treatment of hazardous waste $21,250.00
    Operation of hazardous waste landfills or incinerators $45,250.00

     Public Notice: Initial Notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Disposal of Special Waste (Including Asbestos)

    Fees: $0 - $660

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Facilities which Treat, Store or Dispose of their Own RCRA Hazardous Waste

    Fees: Variable

    Public Notice: Initial Notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Marine Terminals

    Fees: $100

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Waste Transportation (including Spill Cleanup Contractor License)

    Fees: $940/year up to four years based on type of waste

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual; ezFile

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Household and Business Waste


  • Pesticide Application by Aircraft

    Fees: $200 - $565

    Public Notice: Property Owner Notification

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Pesticides in State Waters

    Fees: $200

    Public Notice: Notice to Local Inland Wetland Agency

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual; ezFile

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  • Re-Introduction of Pesticides into State Waters

    Fees: $200

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual; ezFile

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Recycling and Beneficial Use

  • Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) Approval
    Fees: Up to $5,000, depending on tonnage

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Storage & Processing of Asphalt Roofing Shingle Waste (ARSW) for Beneficial Use and Recycling
    Fees: $2,500

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Storage and Processing of Scrap Tires for Recycling and Beneficial Use
    Fees: $1,250

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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Soil Management

Solid Waste

  • Connecticut Solid Waste Demonstration Project
    Fees: $1,000

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Construct and Operate a Commercial Facility for the Management of Recyclable Materials and Certain Solid Wastes
    Fees: Fee and financial assurance based on waste type. (See Factsheet)

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Construction and Operation of a Solid Waste Facility
    Fees: Variable based on waste type  

    Public Notice: Initial Notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Disruption of a Solid Waste Disposal Area

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Municipal Transfer Stations

    Fees: $8,000 total, including $800 initial fee with balance billed annually in $800 increments

    Public Notice: None (EJ, if in applicable area)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Renewal Application of Construction and Operation of a Solid Waste Facility

    Fees: Variable based on waste type

    Public Notice: Initial Notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 9 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Stewardship

    Fees: $4,000 plus variable annual fee. For modifications fees vary. Financial assurance required.

    Public Notice: Initial Notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (45 days). EJ, if in applicable area.

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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Permitting Overview: Water Discharges


  • Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities

    Fees: Variable based on acreage. Ranging from $625 to $5,000.

    Public Notice: 30-day Public Notice and Comment Period

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General; ezFile

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  • Stormwater Associated with Commercial Activities

    Fees: $300

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities

    Fees: $500 - $1,000

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General, ezFile

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  • Stormwater from Department of Transportation Separate Storm Sewer Systems

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

    Fees: $625

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General

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Water Discharges


  • Comprehensive Discharges to Surface and Groundwater

    Fees: $625 registration only. $1,250 with approval.

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months / 6 months with approval

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

    Fees: $ 100 Registration Fee: Small CAFO;  $ 250 Registration Fee: Medium CAFO; $ 500 Registration Fee: Large CAFO 

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe:  12 months with approval

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Domestic Sewage

    Fees: $625

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Domestic Sewage Treatment Works (For municipal and private sewage treatment facilities discharging to surface waters)

    Fees: Initial application fee $1,300. Remainder due varies based on wastewater category and volume discharged.

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months (6 months for renewal)

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Food Service Establishment Wastewater

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: No filing. No wait.

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Groundwater Remediation

    Fees: $625 registration only. $1,250 with approval.

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months / 6 months with approval

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Manufacturing, Commercial, and Other Activities; surface, ground and sewer discharges

    Fees: Initial application fee $1,300 for new or renewal. $940 for modification. Remainder due varies based on wastewater category and volume discharged.

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Miscellaneous Industrial User

    Fees: Local POTW may require their own fee.

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: Filing with local POTW

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Nitrogen Discharges

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: No filing. No wait.

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Point Source Discharges to Waters of the State from the Application of Pesticides

    Fees: $200

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Significant Industrial User

    Fees: Varies based on wastewater category and volume discharged. Ranging from $1,000 - $7,250.

    Public Notice: None 

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Subsurface Disposal Systems

    Fees: Varies by registration type. Ranging from $100 - $3,000.

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Subsurface Sewage Treatment and Disposal

    Fees: $4,975

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 12 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Swimming Pool Wastewater

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe:  No filing- no wait

    Type of Permit: General

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Permitting Overviews: Aquifer Protection | Coastal | Inland Water | Remediation

Aquifer Protection

  • Aquifer Protection Area Permit

    Fees: $1,250

    Public Notice: Notification to 3 agencies

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Aquifer Protection Area Registration

    Fees: $625

    Public Notice: Notification to 3 agencies

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Exemption from Regulation in an Aquifer Protection Area

    Fees: $0

    Public Notice: Notification to 3 agencies

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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Coastal Activities

Dam Safety

  • Dam Safety

    Fees: None 

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Dam Safety Maintenance, Repair, and Alteration non-filing categories

    Fees: None 

    Public Notice: Notice to municipality

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: No filing. No wait.

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Dam Safety Repair and Alteration: Filing Only Categories

    Fees: $100 no PE. $200 PE required.

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Dam Safety Repair and Alteration: Filing with Approval

    Fees: $250

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Notice of a High Hazard Dam or a Significant Hazard Dam

    Fees: None 

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: Notification only. No wait.

    Type of Permit: Individual

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Flood Management

Inland Wetlands and Watercourses


Water Diversion

  • Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use

    Fees: Variable base on withdrawal amount. Ranging from $2,050 to $6,250.

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months renewal modification. 12 months new.

    Type of Permit: Individual

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  • Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Authorization Required

    Fees: $2,500

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Filing Only Categories

    Fees: $1,500

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Non-Filing Categories

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: No wait

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Reauthorization Categories

    Fees: $2,500

    Public Notice: None

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 3 months

    Type of Permit: General

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  • Water Diversion Non-Consumptive

    Fees: None

    Public Notice: 30-day initial notice of application - AND - Notice of Tentative Determination (30 days)

    Estimated Processing Timeframe: 6 months

    Type of Permit: Individual

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Additional DEEP Licensing